*indicates league game NOVEMBER 18-Highland, there, won 55-20 20-Lewiston J.V., there, won 61-60 25-Moscow, here, 5:30, won 42-40 DECEMBER 2-Potlatch, there*, 5 p.m., won 60-31 4-Genesee, here* - postponed 6-Troy, there*, won 55-30 8-C.V., here*, won 72-30 11-Lapwai, there*, lost 44-49 12-Grangeville, there, Idaho County Shootout, V only, 6 p.m., won 40-37 15-Kamiah, here*, won 61-7 16-Genesee, there,* JV starts at 4:30 p.m. rescheduled from 12/4, won 46-31 19-Grangeville, here, won 51-32 JANUARY 6-Moscow, there, 5:30 p.m. 8-Genesee, here*, home and away games switched in rescheduling 12/4 game 10-Potlatch, here*, 1 p.m. 13-Troy, here* 16-C.V., there* 22-Lapwai, here* 24-Kamiah, there*, 1 p.m. 28-Asotin, here, quad, JV 3 p.m., V 6 p.m., Originally schedule for 1/26-rescheduled to 1/28 30-Highland, here* Feb. 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13 -District at LCSC 12-State Play-In #1 at Wallace 14-State Play-in #2 at Cascade 20-22-State at Nampa |