does the clinic receptionist ask so many questions?
“We hope the information in this article will provide our patients with an understanding of our role and function within the clinic”, replied Kelly Williams, St. Mary’s Hospital Admit Manager. “We are here to help you access our services in the clinic as easily and effectively as possible.We are required, however, to ask certain questions when scheduling patients and then again upon their arrival or rescheduling. We are responsible for gathering all of the correct billing information, copies of driver’s licenses and insurance cards. In order to have the most complete and accurate chart we are required to ask a variety of questions every time you visit. This helps us avoid costly mistakes. We are also required to get a photo for our electronic charts.” Below are a few of the most frequently asked questions and/or concerns: Q. Why does the receptionist ask so many questions when all I want to do is speak to a doctor. A. The receptionist is required to “field” all incoming calls. Each provider gets many calls each day. The receptionist is the first link in the chain to help you get the care you need, when you need it. The patient will also be asked who their Primary Care Provider is, so the receptionist can make sure the message goes to the correct provider. Q. I would like to tell the receptionist about my problem, but it is very private. Will the information go farther? A. The receptionists and entire office staff are bound by the same code of privacy as the doctors and nurses and all matters are dealt with in strictest confidence. The receptionist needs to have an idea of what is going on to make sure you are given enough time for your problem, and are scheduled with the correct provider to help you. Q. Why must I always report to the reception desk upon arrival, even when I have just been in recently and the office is busy? A. We ask that you always check in so we know you are here and your provider can be notified you have arrived. Q Why are we asked to make an appointment to see a doctor for certain medications? A. Regular and careful monitoring of all prescribed medication is essential. Further, there are strict laws that govern refills of some prescribed medication and narcotics. “These are just a few of the questions and concerns that come up on a regular basis”, said Williams. “Please feel free to contact us at any one of the St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Clinics, if you have other concerns. Please know we pride ourselves on patient privacy and excellent patient care. We are here to serve you and help you with your medical needs. We thank you for your trust, as we continue to strive to meet your needs in this ever changing field.” |