Senator Nuxoll's weekly legislative report
HB113, codifies the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, control, and education of their children. I am a co-sponsor of this bill. Please contact Senators to encourage passage of this amended bill within the next few days. HB189, Idaho telehealth access act, will be voted on by the Senate soon. The bill specifically addresses the benefits of telehealth (video conferencing)here in Idaho, especially in our rural communities. Water adjudication meeting – the process for adjudication asks for the initial settlement discussion in Coeur d’Alene on May 7th be open to the public. There are hopes of settlement, instead of litigation. SB1121, calling for an Immunization Registry passed the Senate 25-10 even though I voted against it. It forces parents to opt-out of data mining their children’s immunizations records, instead of giving parents the rights to opt-in. Many parents do not even know that their records are being put into a data base. Please email your representatives to voice your opinion. HB 153, EMS bill, creates a foundation for EMS agencies to fill existing gaps in healthcare access and extend the reach of healthcare providers by establishing definitions for Community Health EMS, Community Paramedic, and Community Health Worker. For those people who do not have established primary care, EMS providers are often uniquely positioned because of their ambulance services to identify, deliver, and coordinate services to those in need. I cosponsored this bill, although I do not know if many rural districts will be able to provide these services. HB177, treating tanning the same as branding, tattooing, or body piercing, makes it a misdemeanor for anyone who knowingly facilitates use of tanning devices for minors a misdemeanor for anyone under the age of 14. I voted against this bill since it replaces parental authority with state law. The House defeated the Fish and Game’s budget to buy the Rock Creek property. The Rock Creek Property is 10,000 acres of private property close to Garden City. It would have required the Fish and Game to pay $3000 annually in property taxes and more than $150,000 in upkeep. The revenue generated from the property would not have paid the annual expenses. Why does the Fish and Game wish to buy property when they want to increase fees? I voted against this bill because it increase government ownership over private ownership. HB 181, Naturopathic doctor bill, creates a framework for naturopathic physicians who have graduated from an accredited Naturopathic Medical School and passed a national exam. The only way one is eligible to take this exam is through attendance at one of the two approved naturopathic schools in the US. Since, this bill leaves out many naturopathic doctors from getting licensed, I will vote against it. Please let your opinion be known as it is to be voted on in the Senate Health and Welfare committee on Monday. SB 1146, CANNABIS OIL - known as Alexis' Law, provides for the possession of or use of cannabidiol (CBD) oil. The oil contains trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC). Proponents believe the oil can reduce the number and duration of seizures in children and adults living with epilepsy. Opponents are concerned with the lack of scientific evidence and negative impacts on law enforcement. DIRECT PRIMARY CARE is a model allowing patients and employers to contract directly with primary care physicians resulting in increased access. DPC is not a form of insurance and individuals still need to purchase insurance for more acute, catastrophic events. This bill creates a simple format for DPC agreements as a method to provide cost effective and personalized routine health care services on a contractual basis. The US Postal Service provided notice that it would shut down Carreywood Post Office at the end of March. Senator Crapo addressed this issue at the Athol town Hall Meeting February 28th. The Idaho legislators are working with Senator Crapo’s office to see if any progress can be made to stop this from happening. There are hundreds of post offices in rural communities being shut down throughout the US. ~ Senator Nuxoll |