to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
To the Editor
In my letter concerning Sen. Nuxoll’s denigration of the Hindu religion,
I quoted Chief Justice Rehnquist’s conclusion that even paganism was involved
in the establishment of our laws, hoping that some tightly wound Catholics
in the Cottonwood area would characterize my words as “liberal fluff”.
Based on the responses, I’d say I succeeded. Rehnquist’s words on
the derivation of our laws differ from the legal conclusions of the Senator
and your commissioner (who together at best may have drafted a bill or
an ordinance in their illustrious careers), and yet they insist they are
right. Denigrate his words, but also remember his passing: "“Millions
of pro-life Americans mourn the death of Chief Justice Rehnquist,” said
NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson".
Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by Richard Nixon;
Nominated Chief Justice by Ronald Reagan;
Presided over impeachment trial of Bill Clinton;
Leading voice in Bush v. Gore decision;
Liberals called him a right wing extremist;
Voting record against: Abortion (Roe v. Wade); Affirmative action;
Gay rights; Women’s rights;
For: Prayer in schools; Capital punishment; “Right to carry” in
school zones; Wiretapping; Pre-trial detention;
Rehnquist was right; and you have the right to be wrong.
Wayne J. Wimer, Esq.
To the Editor
Why is it that when liberals disagree with someone, they attack that
person’s character? (As in the case of Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll). They
have called her a bigot, a racist and etc. etc. for not attending the opening
prayer, of the legislature, by a Hindu. We applaud Senator Nuxoll’s
courage to speak out about her Christian principles and faith. The
United States was founded on Christian principles, however they are being
dangerously eroded by our administration and the liberals who are attacking
Senator Nuxoll. Senator Thane said it best when he said that the
Hindus worship cows! Enough said ?!
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Don and Charlotte DeArmond
Grangeville |
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