Cottonwood yard Sale set for May 16
Warm weather is right around the corner and it's time for spring cleaning. Gather your unwanted items and join the Cottonwood Community yard sale set for May 16th, and being organized by "The Clowns" Relay for Life team.
There will be advertising in several local papers and Swire Coca-Cola is donating a banner to be placed at the south entrance of Cottonwood. Also The Print Shop will be supplying flyers to distribute to the local communities and US Bank will be providing the maps. You can have your sale placed on the city map for $7, reasidential or $10 for businesses. Businesses interested in having sidewalk sales are welcome to participate. All map proceed benefit the American Cancer Society.
Contact Tami Quick at 984-6505 to sign up on the map. Deadline is May 11. Any one with items to donate to the Relay for Life yard sale can contact Tami, Donna at 962-3353 or Carolyn at 983-6392.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


Classified Ads

503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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