Walk for Life raises over $6,000
We had beautiful weather - just perfect for taking a walk, especially when it had 2 great purposes: to show our pro-life colors and to raise money for the Hope Centers in Kamiah and Grangeville. There were over 160 walkers with pro-life signs. We had more Moms and Dads with  babies in strollers this year and lots of senior citizens, too! Everyone was eager to let their neighbors know about the Hope Center ministry. 
The day began with a free breakfast served by the Grangeville Knights of Columbus. When everyone was registered and officer Troy had arrived to escort us, we left for the 2-mile walk through downtown Grangeville. Once back at the Hall, we settled down for the post-Walk celebration. Linda Zabel, Baby Bottle coordinator, had bottles on hand for folks to take home, fill with pocket change, and then return to one of our Centers. The money collected goes far to help both of our Centers continue offering free lessons on parenting, pregnancy issues, money management, and healthy relationships. Awards were made to the largest fund raisers of the day – George and Cherylyn Kerley, Shannon Fuchs, the Gulotta kids, and St. Mary’s Youth Group. Over $6,000 was raised to help the ministry.

A photo of the Walk for Life held recently at Grangeville. Photo by Joseph Zahnle.

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