to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review
No. 15 8/3/15
During this article, we should keep in mind the current 18+ trillion
dollar federal debt which is common knowledge today! A little math tells
us this is more than $45,000 for every man, woman, and child, in the U.
S., with a population of about 350 million.
Recall also that Frederik Bastiat in his book, THE LAW, argued simply
that taking from one something earned and giving to another who has not
earned it, is theft, or in his words, PLUNDER. And when government does
the taking and the giving, he chooses to call it LEGAL PLUNDER!
Remember also that Davey Crockett claimed that such money IS NOT YOUR
TO GIVE, commenting on government officials handing out charity taken from
taxes or borrowed in some way.
And do not forget Crockett's critic, Horatio Bunce, saying, "You will
easily perceive what a wide door this would open for fraud and corruption
and favoritism..." And added here is the thought that a REVERSE ROBIN HOOD
EFFECT can easily take place, with many recipients of the government PLUNDER
better off that many of the people PLUNDERED!
Finally, Bastiat argued that plundered money is taken in small amounts
from a lot of people in the beginning to give to a few, but that eventually
as larger and larger sums are taken, the plundered people begin demanding
that they too get in on the plunder! Resulting inevitably in government
being forced to borrow to meet all of the demands! So explains our huge
national debt?!
Bastiat concludes in his book two things worth noting: 1)That in the
mid 19th century when he wrote the book, he could already see some bits
of legal plunder starting in the United States, and 2) Elections become
a desperate effort by each group to plunder others and avoid being plundered
With this background, let's look at the situation around us today.
I myself, have been accused of excepting farm subsidies, and have admitted
to being funded with grants in education. It has even been suggested that
I take the "Jake Wren pledge... to no longer apply for or accept any funds
from government! The challenger then closed "You would have the government
back in the black in no time!"
Unfortunately, it is not that simple! The LEGAL PLUNDER has gone on
so long, and is so out of control, that single efforts on the part of an
individual are drops in a huge bucket! Just a few statistics taken from
the internet prove this point!
Our federal expenditures for 2014 totaled 3,504 TRILLION dollars, with
social security and health care each consuming 24%, defense 17%, discretionary
programs adding 17%, interest 6%, and other mandatory programs 12%. From
that discretionary 17%, totaling $595,680 billion, in 2014, $84,624 billion
was spent on food stamps, and $20 billion spent of the farm bill. And a
final quote taking from that same web site, puts it all in perspective!
"American taxpayers currently spend more than $20 billion per year on farm
subsidies, the vast majority of which flow to the largest and wealthiest
farming operations!" Hmm! Reverse Robin Hood? "Corruption and favoritism?!"
Jake Wren |
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