Fair Parade winners
The Idaho County Fair Parade was held Saturday, August 22 on Main Street in Cottonwood.
The Riggins Rodeo Royalty took first in the Royalty Division with the Lewis County Fair Royalty taking second and the Idaho County Fair Royalty third.
The Cottonwood Riding Club entry was first in the Equestrian division with Cottonwood Saddliers 4-H Club taking 2nd.
In the Non-profit or organizations division, the Clearwater Valley Go-Getters 4-H Club took first with the Honor Guard 2nd and the Back Country Horsemen third.
In the Commercial division Cottonwood Credit Union was first with Arnzen Drug 2nd and Nuxoll Shell 3rd.
There were over 40 entries in this year’s Parade. The Fair Board would like to thank everyone who entered the parade and also everyone who helped make it such a success.
The Hangout allowed the use of their parking lot for the signup. Cheri Holthaus helped with signup and Pat Holthaus and Sheri Daly with announcing. Lynn Guyer, Ed Holthaus, NICI and Brian Davis helped with the lineup. The Lions Club donated use of their sound system. Hoene Hardware allowed hook-up of the sound system in front of their store. Bud’s Powersports loaned out the use of side-by-sides for the Fair Board to ride in and also for use at the fairgrounds. Finally the Prairie football team did the cleanup after the parade.

Kodie Tidwel, Queen of the Cottonwood Riding Club. The Riding Club entry was the Equestrian winner at the Fair Parade.

The Clearwater Valley Go-Getters 4-H Club, with their rendering of Captain Hook’s Pirate Ship, were the non-commercial winners at the Fair Parade.

The Cottonwood Credit Union entry was first among commercial entrants.

The Color Guard led off the Parade.

The Idaho County Fair Royalty Float.

Part of the Backcountry Horsemen entry. This young lady is hauling her horse with her Jeep.

Youngsters had lots of candy to chase after as nearly every parade entrant had some to toss out.

A beautifully restored Ford Model T.

The Riggins Rodeo Queen took 1st among Royalty entries.

Trinity Martinez, who won the Two-Minute Talent Show in her age group the night before, sang the National Anthem to officially start the Parade. She is between announcer Pat Holthaus and his helper Shari Daly.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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