events for Youth Ministry
Dear Parents and Youth, I am amazed at how time flies. It seems that I was writing a letter to wish everyone a blessed and safe summer, now I am beginning yet another letter to plan the events for our youth for the beginning of another school year. I know God brings greatness in every season and I am excited to step into another season of faith filled activities and am extending an invitation for our young people to step with me. Our month of September has the promise of opportunity for prayer, retreat, sharing, fun, fasting, planning, worship and learning. Please consider joining us this month as our “On Mighty Ground Youth Ministry” group swings into full action. We will kick the month off an invitation to our adult leadership team to meet at the OMG room at 7:00 p.m. on Sept 2nd. We will be reviewing the year and exploring current activities and ideas on discussing ways to expand adult leadership roles in the ministry. Please know you are appreciated and very much a part of the youth ministry process. On Tuesday, Sept. 8th I will be in Orofino at a deanery meeting with the North Central Deanery youth ministers. We will be reviewing and planning the upcoming year. Please hold us in your prayers. On Sept. 9th the youth ministry team will be hosting the annual “Back to School Bash”. We will have food, fun, and an opportunity for youth to register for the upcoming school year. The Bash will be take place at St. Mary’s Church at 6:30 p.m. The entire family is invited. (Angela Seubert has graciously agreed to cook so you know it’s going to be good). On Sept 14th the group that went to Steubenville Northwest will meet at the OMG room at 7:00 p.m. to review and discuss further actions and activities as a response to the conference. God challenges us to be bold and stand firm in our faith commitment, as a gathered group we will support each other in this commitment. Let’s see where God is calling us! On Sept 16th the peer ministers/Leaders who attended the Leadership Camp in June are asked to meet at the OMG at 7:00 to plan the upcoming school year. Your presence is greatly needed as we step toward showing the face of Christ to those around us! I will be attending the Catholic Congress in Boise on Sept 18th and 19th. Please pray for all of the attendees as we seek to grow in our faith and witness to Christ and his presence in the world. On Sept. 23rd we are hosting our first monthly movie night for the Jr. High and High School youth. Everyone is invited to the OMG room for root beer floats and a social time with your friends. The movie is not yet determined but guaranteed to be good. Please bring a friend and know that everyone is welcome! On Sept 26th we will be hosting our annual 30 hour fast at the Keuterville hall. We will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end on Sunday after Mass. You will need to bring $35.00 to the fast and your 2015/16 registration form. You can raise this money by getting a sponsor to pay you for fasting for 30 hours. We will also be taking a collection during the Mass at Ferdinand on Sept. 26th and after the Mass at St. Mary’s. The youth will also be selling items they made during the FAST at the breakfast following the Mass. Please note all proceeds go toward Catholic Relief Services and World Vision. This activity is a great way to help our young people what poverty looks and feels like. Please support our young people in this endeavor to change the world. On Sept 30th at 7:00 p.m. the Haiti 2016 mission team will meet at the CEC for fundraising planning and trip information. Please be present if you plan on attending the mission trip in June. The days roll by, yet God stays constant and continually invites us to the table of love. Please join us in this invitation as we grow together to become all that God calls us to be! In Christ, Debbie Chicane |