Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

No. 23 -- 9/28/15
Our last REVIEW called attention to the last graduating class of SGA, the class of 1970. The group met recently, and my visit with them for an hour or two was at the same time, interesting, inspirational...,a bit melancholy..., because of the closure of the school!
Two members of that class were singled out last time, but in this article, it is my intent to call attention to the many others of that class who stand out in my mind, and also to make a comment or two on the opportunity that exists for all young students entering the current school year.
A look at the yearbook for the '70 class brought back many memories of other students who excelled in class, on the athletic floor, in debate and drama, and in the several other activities provided for the SGA students at the time. The yearbook reminded me that the school offered track and wrestling that year, a 26 member drill team, a 13 member JV team, and a 15 member frosh team, both in basketball. The journalism class won an All-State rating for its student newspaper, the SIGNAL, and was chosen first in the state for its yearbook photos. Two class members wrote weekly news articles for the local Cottonwood Chronicle and the Grangeville Free Press. And finally, Laurie Haener was named alternate princess of the Triple Bar drill team, and Janice Zehner was selected to be the Idaho County Fair Queen in 1970!
With apologies to those readers not interested in the details of this class, it is noted that the purpose of the above and much of RNR 22, was to highlight the talent, achievements, and future potential of every years high school students!
For indeed, as the example of the '70 grad involved in the later car wreck illustrates, no one really can predict what the future is for each of our current students. The lesson to be learned is that each should make the very best use of the time they have in school today, Several of the Class of '70 have passed on by this time, and the same will happen to those in school today, so MAKE THE VERY BEST USE OF THE TIME YOU HAVE!
And again, the other student mentioned last time was and is an example of the result one can get from just simple, and persistent hard work. Setting goals and then stubbornly and consistently working one's rear end off to reach them can and will produce remarkable results. What a remarkable record any current class would set if every member would set a goal of being THE BEST IN THE CLASS, whether that is academic, athletic, or in some other area. And for those for whom this is a bit unrealistic, why not set the goal of BEING THE VERY BEST YOU CAN BE, in whatever you are doing! In simple words, do not waste time, build a reputation for solid and reliable effort..., and maybe even more important, being always honest, friendly, and totally trustworthy. It will pay off in the end, as the examples from the class quoted earlier illustrates!
A concrete suggestion! Consider carefully the notion of MOMENTUM! Momentum is the illusive quality associated with sports team that ARE ON A ROLL... and seemingly get all the breaks in close contests! Or the student who seems ON A ROLL, because he or she seems able to score high or the highest on every test. I submit that it is much like a giant airplane which labors hard at takeoff, but eventually reaches that point in the air where it can coast along with seemingly little effort. Life is like that.... early hard effort can and does lead great success later on in life!!! Try it.... I say you will like it!!!!
Jake Wren 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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