County GOP to meet
On November 17, the Idaho County Republican Party will meet in Grangeville at the Super 8 meeting room at 6:00 PM. 
The guest speaker will be Greg Pruett Chairman of Idaho Second Amendment Alliance.  Greg was raised in Pocatello, Idaho and grew up in a military family.  Greg, his four brothers, sister and father all served in Idaho National Guard and all served at least one tour in Iraq.  The Second Amendment Alliance organization was created because  Idaho citizens wants more local Second Amendment accountability from the State House all the way down to the county and city.  Greg’s top priorities for Idaho legislation are: permitless carry, stronger Castle doctrine, stronger campus carry and stronger preemption.  The organization is made up of volunteers and relies heavily on volunteer support, donations and a growing membership.
The winning tickets of the raffle will be drawn.  There will also be a straw poll taken for president. Desserts will be served.  

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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