Things Are True
by Dan Coburn Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church pastordan@mtida.net We ended last week asking the question: “What has this to do with Christmas?” Well, one of the greatest casualties of the above mentioned progression has been Christmas, or what it has evolved to mean to our kids and theirs. Christmas has always been a time that we calibrate the birth of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Some of you scoffers and mockers may be saying: “we do not know the day or even the month Jesus was born” and you are right, but just read the previous sentence again. The reason for all the controversy is not inaccuracy, but rather the name. Here are three things you “Absolutely” cannot separate from Christmas – Christmas Absolutes. Number 1). The Incarnation. John 16:28, as well as Colossians 1:16-18 say that He eternally existed. He is the Alpha and Omega in the book of Revelation. In Charles Wesley’s “hark the herald” we sing “veiled in flesh the God-head see, hail the incarnate Deity”. He was God, was with God, and by Him were all things created. There are many doctrinal points we can be wrong on and still get to heaven, but not the Incarnation of the Christ. If so, we worship what 2nd Corr. 11:14 calls “another Jesus”. Number 2) The Revelation. Jesus is the Revelation of God. There is nature like bugs and twigs, but God’s nature, His attributes and character are made clearly visible in the person of Christ – “For it pleased the Father that in him should all the fullness dwell;” Colo. 1:19. This is by the way, exclusive. He doesn’t share this with Budah, or any other person. Number 3) The Salvation. Jesus said of Himself, “I have come to seek and to save that which was lost”. Save from what? The Bible tells us that no one can make it to heaven on his own merit, Romans 3:23, and that we were all formerly at enmity with God (Ephesians 2). But, (Romans 5:8) God provided a way by which we could be Redeemed, or bought back - John 3:16. You can’t separate Christmas from Calvary. When Jesus was lying in the manger, the shadow of the Cross was already upon Him. On the Cross, God displayed His wrath, Judgment, mercy, grace and love. His blood is “Sufficient for All”, but not Efficient for you until you come to Him on His terms. These three Absolute Truths must not be separated, especially at Christmas. |