Local author releases book
The Historical Museum at St Gertrude is shown receiving a check in the amount of $1,500.00 from Northwest Farm Credit Services to purchase building materials, including lumber, paint & lighting. This check was awarded through their Rural Community Grant Program which provides money for projects such as building or improving facilities; purchasing necessary equipment to facilitate a program; and funding capital improvements which improve a community’s infrastructure, viability and/or prosperity.
The Historical Museum will re-create the museum's entry exhibit to more effectively share the story of the Idaho Benedictine Sisters, their journey from Europe to America, and their impact on cultural development of the local area and the state of Idaho. Our project collaboration team, along with our onsite exhibit team; consisting of Monastery of St Gertrude employees & volunteers have developed an aggressive 5 year plan/ timetable to update and better interpret exhibits in the 8,000 square foot museum. The following phases will include:  1-The history of Benedictine Sisters & their impact on Idaho (2015/2016) 2- The History of the museum; development of one of Idaho's earliest museums (2017) 3-Idaho's Interesting Characters (2018) 4- Temporary Exhibit Gallery (2018) 5- A treasures Gallery (2017) 6- The History of Local Settlers (2019-2020)
Our mission is to preserve the rich heritage of the Monastery of St Gertrude, Camas Prairie, Snake River, Salmon River, and surrounding areas, as well as educate our visitors. The Historical Museum at St Gertrude was established in 1931 & its exhibits have been altered only minimally in the last 25 years. Our museum team has set a goal for revamping all museum exhibits to more effectively encourage inspiration, learning, reflection, and interpretation of historic stories.
Each year the museum draws over 6,000 visitors to the Monastery through its admissions, lecture series, educational outreach, and fundraising. This includes area 4th graders, studying Idaho History, as well as numerous out of area tourists, and local families. Our museum is one of the oldest museums in the State of Idaho. The Historical Museum is a significant cultural resource and tourist site in North Central Idaho.
Please visit the Welcome Center Gift Shop and Historical Museum at St Gertrude Tuesday through Saturday, 9:30 to 4:30. Cost for a self-guided museum tour is as follows: Adults $6, Students $3, age 6 and under are free.

From left: Museum employee Shirley Gehring, Misty Johnson, Development Coordinator (writer of FCS grant), Sr. Joan Smith, employee Debra Graham, volunteer Frank Halter, NW Farm Credit Services Financial Specialist Jaime Oliver. 


Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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