Library News
Everyone was a winner in the Chronicle Coloring Contest this year but the rules said only one winner from each age group could be selected.  After much deliberation, the final three were chosen.  They were 0-5 age category, Mason Westoff:  age 6-8, Max Rehder, and the 9-12 age group, Naomi Van Houten.  Thanks to everyone who entered.  Another Thank You goes out to Christine Reuter for her generosity each month providing delicious desserts for the Library Board Meeting.  Also, for the past two years she has donated cakes to the Bräts and Brew Auction which has brought a sizeable income to the library.  Yet another generous supporter of the Library is Bob Daley who has donated several hours of time talent and supplies to various "honey do"  projects that needed attention.  The most recent was the completion of missing base boards including paint, and also an unpainted wall where a shelf had been removed.  We are so grateful to these people along with Greg Deiss a computer programmer who is currently searching for solutions to the many glitches in the main library book program.  We are so thankful for these people who so willingly contribute to the welfare of the Library.  There are others who have helped in so many ways, you know who you are and we appreciate your support more than you will ever know.
Last week was a record breaker when 22 children with parents participated in the morning Story Hour with Miss Pollyannna, interacting in story and action throughout the session.  Refreshments are always enjoyed during this time and interest in books continues to increase.  There were nearly 50 books checked out that morning which is also a record. Congrat-ulations Kids, and Parents.  You are the future of this Library.  We invite other parents to set aside one hour a week, Tuesday morning, 10:30 to 11:30 to visit the library and join in the fun and activities.  It is always an exciting and rewarding experience and it is claimed that a child introduced to books at an early age excel in school.
On another note: Volunteer, Candice Williams is the "go to" for book requests.  She has been diligently working on fulfilling the wishes of the patrons.  If you have requested a specific book, please check to see if it has arrived.  Several requests and new arrivals are now on the shelf to be checked out and include a number in " LARGE PRINT".  This list is only a small portion of requests and the most recent  arrivals.
Frontier History Along Idaho's Clearwater River
Killing Reagan
Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye
The Siege of Macindaw
100 No Equipment Workouts
Acts of War
Grow   Cook  Eat
"Erak's Ransom" Ranger's Apprentice Book 7
The Icecutter's Daughter
The Fire Within
Bev Christensen

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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