Democrats host luncheon
Saturday, February 6, the public was invited to a free lunch at the Grangeville Senior Center, offered by the Idaho County Democrats. Idaho State District 5 Senator Dan Schmidt of Moscow and Idaho House Minority Leader and Representative from District 6, John Rusche, of Lewiston, spoke to the well fed crowd. Mrs. Rusche, a very familiar and beloved friend, was also in attendance. Baked potatoes, salad, lemonade and brownies were on the menu and no baloney was fed by the legislators. Despite the beautiful springlike weather, people came from all over Idaho County, Slate Creek to Kamiah. Senator Schmidt and Representative Rusche focused their talk on the new six point plan for Idaho, “Creating Opportunity; A Balanced Plan for Idaho’s Future,” created by Idaho Democrat legislators and released in Boise earlier this month. The highly digestible six point plan includes; Investing in Education, Safeguarding Your Pocketbook, Holding Government Accountable, Protecting Our Quality of Life, Ensuring Security for Our Seniors and Defending Your Rights. The entire plan can be read online at HTTP:// Sixteen bills to support the plan were introduced by Idaho Democratic legislators this session. They lay the table to help everyone prosper; from raising minimum wage to a bill to make permanent absentee voting an option for Idaho residents. The bills were written to reflect democratic principles and served up a spread to give everyone a seat at the table. Also, on the menu, was advice about ways to engage others in a two-way conversation about shared values. As stated in the “Creating Opportunities” brochure “All Idahoans – mother, father, teachers, and legislators – know one thing: we want a better, more prosperous Idaho.” The Idaho County Democrats’ March meeting will be held in Grangeville on March 14th at 6:30 PM. The meeting location will be posted on Facebook, Idaho County Democrats; emailed to members and announced in local newspapers. The meeting agenda includes a practice caucus with the actual Idaho County Democrat Presidential caucus to be held in Grangeville on March 22nd at the Grangeville High School gymnasium. The public is invited, however, only qualified Idaho County residents will be able to participate in the caucus. Please remember to vote in the school levy elections on March 8th or go to the Idaho County Courthouse where early voting is already taking place. For more information, to get on the email list or for carpooling opportunities, call Michelle Perdue at 983 3763 or visit the Idaho County Democrats Facebook page. State Senator Dan Schmidt and Jerry Zumalt at the Idaho County Democrats “No Baloney” Luncheon. Photo by Michelle Perdue. |