Purse auction raises over $10,000
Once again the support of our community was evident in the 2nd Annual Purse Auction.  There were over 100 in attendance for the day of the Auction!  We had over 115 purses that were donated or were made with items donated by individuals and businesses besides cash donations.  Debbie and Ron from “The Hangout” donated all the great food for lunch, 100% of the proceeds were given to the local YWCA.  We made over $10,000 again this year that will benefit victims of domestic violence.
Kristi opened the event with information on what last year’s proceeds were used for, thanked the volunteers for their work and introduced the guest speaker “Gabby” who related her story of abuse and the help that she has received from Kristi and the YWCA.  
Shane, Auctioneer, Marge, Clerk, Shorty, Spotter, Debby O., bookkeeper, Jennifer, runner and Cottonwood Chief of Police Terry Cochran, our “Vanna”, your help was invaluable.  There were others who worked behind the scene and on the side lines that made this event a success; Ron, Debbie, Colleen, Jeanne, Stacy, Sandy, Rose, the Grangeville & Cottonwood Wells Fargo Bank Ladies, Elaine, Tiffany and Mikayla, Daltina and Scott.  We would also like to thank the Cottonwood City Council for the use of the hall.
We can never think of everyone we need to thank but this would never be a success without each and every one of you!

There was a good sized crowd in attendance at the Purse Auction Saturday, March 5 at the Community Hall. Photo by Elaine Sonnen.

Tammy Everson won the mystery purse at the Purse Auction.

Auctioneer Shane Arnzen. 

Kristi of the YWCA tells what the funds raised will go toward.
Purse Auction photos by Elaine Sonnen.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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