to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review
No. 53 4/25/2016
Last week, comparing the unbelievable increase in college costs, about
$1000/year at Carroll College in Montana where I graduated in 1959, to
the current price tag one finds there and other similar schools over $30,000,
the question was asked "Just how did we get to this point?"
Personally, I place much of the blame on the Federal Aid to Education
act passed in the early 1960's, a federal effort to help college and universities
provide for the numerous "baby boomers" hitting college after WWII. A look
at Carroll itself gives a clue. From a modest campus with a few basic buildings
only, the campus has grown with federal help to several times the original
size, with new athletic centers, housing dorms, education centers, all
nice, but very costly, thus helping trigger the 30 times cost increase
required today, an increase far exceeding the modest attendance increases
during this period!
But that aid package from the federal government was just the tip of
an iceberg! Since that date, a careful study of the record will show that
it also marks a huge increase from a rare involvment prior to 1960 in education
at all levels to the involved level one finds today. A clear example of
"subsidy seduction." First the money, then the rules and regulations!
So over the past 60 years, federal programs with names like DISCOVERY
MATH, SPURT (Speed, power, understanding reading techniques), Education
For the 90's, GOALS 2000, No Child Left BEHIND, COMMON CORE, etc, have
come down from the federal level, stayed for a time, cost alot of money,
then slowly faded away as schools and districts go back to the systems
they have found to work best in their immediate area.
But the source of the problems faced today goes even deeper than the
increased federal interference with our lives. Historians will note that
a subtle shift has been going on for many centuries now. Dating back to
the 1500's even, and certainly by the Industrial Revolution, a few centuries
later, one can see an increased confidence in MAN, the human factor, to
take control of everything. Starting from a world view that a supreme being,
a GOD of one kind or the other, was in total charge, and had to be relied
on for nearly everything in daily life, we today have concluded that MAN
is supreme, and can take care of all problems and build a heaven on earth!
Check history, and one finds that every early civilization believed
in gods of some kind. Many of course had several gods, the Egyptians with
their gods of sun, and moon, etc., or the Greeks and Romans with their
Zeus and Jupiter and an alphabet of human-like gods, to India with their
hundreds of gods, on up to the rare one-God beliefs of the Hebrew's Yahweh,
and Islam's Allah, and our native Indian Great Spirit. The point is that
belief in gods or a God, has marked the history of the entire human past.
But more recently one finds the emergence of several philosophies negating
the historical reality. Atheism, the total denial of God, Secularism, the
rejection of any impact a god might have, and the New Age movement, which
"puts a strong emphasis on the spiritual authority of the self," (Wikipedia),
all work to place humans in charge with no need to rely on a traditional
god. Thus has arisen socialism in politics, Keynesism in economics, and
individualism in religion, all which place trust in mankind while placing
the notion of a traditional supreme being on a back burner. The near desperate
condition of the world economic condition today does send a clear message
- It ain't working! Maybe it is time to turn back to traditional prayer!
Jake Wren
Dear Editor:
The best predictor of future success is past performance.
Citizens of Legislative District 7, state senator Sheryl Nuxoll's "A-"
rating by the Idaho Freedom Foundation demonstrates her faithful commitment
to follow the U.S. Constitution, Idaho Constitution, and Idaho Republican
Party Platform. Senator Nuxoll was one of only eight legislators
to earn a 90% or above rating during the 2016 legislative session.
In addition to her outstanding commitment to limited government, low
taxes, and free enterprise, Senator Nuxoll has worked diligently with Idaho
citizens to introduce and pass legislation on our behalf.
Senator Nuxoll's work on the bill she and I co-authored (S. 1342) included
two years of dialog with citizens about how to enact legislation to clarify
the Idaho Constitution, Article IX, Section 6. Senator Nuxoll
patiently coached us on the legislative process, met with legislators to
get our bill introduced into House and Senate committees, secured testimony
presentations for committee hearings, and convinced 81% of her colleagues
to vote for the bill. Although the bill was vetoed by the Governor,
Senator Nuxoll did everything possible to represent the wishes of Idaho
It is not an easy process to get a bill introduced and passed through
committee to a floor vote, and I greatly appreciate a senator who will
work this hard to advance citizen-sponsored legislation. Senator
Nuxoll is truly a representative of "We the People."
I urge you to retain Senator Nuxoll in the Idaho legislature
by voting for her in the May primary and November general election.
Evalyn Bennet
Salmon, Idaho
Dear Editor,
In less than 3 weeks, those that live in Idaho County have a chance
to make a real difference by electing a State Senator for District 7 who
has integrity, foresight, experience and common sense – Carl Crabtree.
I have worked with Carl since 1985 at the local, county, state and
national level. Those efforts focused on natural resource issues, ranching,
invasives, associations and other commerce related activities. Throughout
all of these experiences, Carl listened to people and then moved forward
to deliver common sense outcomes that benefited the majority. This is responsible
Carl has demonstrated time and time again his ability to bring people
together on the private, local and federal level. He has worked to get
the right people aligned to deliver results.
We do not need legislators who are focused on managing our personal
interests or morality. We need a legislator that can represent us by working
on legislation that is good for the whole and isn’t focused on special
interests. We need a legislator than can use exceptional people skills
to gain solid footing, support commerce and be ethical upon approach that
provides us a community to work and reside within.
We need someone to address the key issues affecting district 7 such
as increasing our access to public lands, managing our resources, growing
jobs, and improving education in our rural communities.
Vote for Carl Crabtree!
John Cantlon
Secesh Meadows, Idaho |
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