to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review
No. 60 6/13/2016
To pick up where last week's review ended, let's ask again, "What will
it be folks? Our way of life or something different?" Clearly, America
is facing today, one of two choices. First, to go back to the past to the
way of life and the basic system which provided the foundation for our
country's unmatched centuries of freedom and wealth.
And what was that basic system? I submit that it included a belief
in a personal God who created us and is responsible for our existence.
A God who expects us to live by a set of Commandments, and who will reward
or punish us accordingly. A God who expects us to use our intellect and
free will to love Him above all things and love our neighbors as ourselves!
Responsibility is a key word in this system, as each individual is
expected to utilize the particular talents given, first to provide for
himself and any family involved, and second, to work for the good of the
society lived in! And the result? An explosion of wealth and progress resulting
from the creative output of individuals and their unique talents!
The bottom line is, with rare exceptions, each individual is given
the talent to care for himself, and to contribute to the well-being of
society around him. And those most capable of meeting the needs of neighbors
are rewarded accordingly!
The result! Thousands of new ideas and new products flowing from creative
minds striving to satisfy wants and needs of their associates at the lowest
possible cost! And in a free society, both producer and consumer find their
living standard improved!
But what is the alternate choice we are offered? A conviction that
the average individual needs help to provide the good life for oneself
and loved ones. A belief that superior individuals in charge will use the
power of government to create and sustain standards of living equally pleasant
for all. A conviction that society owes all members equal access to the
good things in life. A system that transfers "excess" wealth from the rich,
and gives equal shares to the less fortunate.
The result? History teaches us that a "you owe me" frame of mind develops
in people lured into an expectant life style, that individual initiative
slowly dies, that the urge to create and invent disappears with the wealth
that is stripped from the producer and given to the class that is content
to sit back and take! Common sense teaches the same! It doesn't work!
Books have been written analyzing societies that adopt one or the other
of these different systems! In economics, MICRO ECONOMICS is the title
given to the theory that solutions come from the ground up! Unemployment
for example, is an individual problem! It is cured on a one by one basis,
with the unemployed person working harder, or gaining additional skills
and utilizing education to improve worth. Wow! It might even include willing
to work at a lower wage to get started! An old-fashioned idea, incompatible
with a "minimum wage!"
Compare that to MACRO ECONOMICS, the Keynesian rage in college classes
today, that proposes solutions from the top down. Unemployment for example,
triggers government aid, government work projects, grants in aid, etc.
Anything that an existing government can do to stimulate economic
activity in an area and provide work for all!! And that includes interest
rates near zero, massive injections of money, and yes, also demands a "minimum
Jake Wren |
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