BLM invites you to observe archeological dig
An opportunity to learn firsthand how an archeological dig is conducted and to view some of the interesting artifacts that are uncovered is right in your backyard!   Beginning July 1, Oregon State University (OSU), in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is conducting the annual archeological field school at Cooper’s Ferry just south of Cottonwood, Idaho.
Audiences young and old are invited to tour the excavation site and learn more about the history of the Salmon River Canyon.
OSU Professor Dr. Loren Davis leads the field school program.  His past research has shown there was human occupation of the canyon dating back to nearly 11,500 years ago.  The field school is carefully uncovering layers of that history, “piecing” together generations of past uses. 
"We know that many people are interested in the history of the river canyon, just as we are," said David Sisson, BLM archaeologist who assists with the field school.  “This is a unique opportunity for the public to see the excavation process and learn how the various layers of sediment provide clues to the lifestyles of previous canyon inhabitants.” 
In order to accommodate more visitors, operations are conducted Wednesday through Sunday from 7:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.  The field school is open to visitors during the month of July.  There is no fee charged to visit the site.  
For more information about the archaeological field school, contact the BLM Cottonwood Field Office at 208-962-3782 or visit their office located at 1 Butte Drive in Cottonwood, ID. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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