Bowling Leagues starting soon
The 2016-2017 bowling season is just around the corner. Most leagues in the Central Idaho USBC Bowling Association will begin the week of or following Labor Day. We invite all bowlers, and non-bowlers who would like to try their hand at this great sport, to think about joining a league at the bowling establishment closest to you. 
Our emphasis is always on beginning bowlers or bowlers who have been away from the sport for a long period of time. Each house has experienced bowlers that are willing to help you get started.
There are three bowling houses in this association. Camas Lanes in 
Grangeville - Brenda or Doug at 983-1160, Prairie Imperial Bowl in Craigmont - 924-6649 and Tamarack Lanes in Kamiah - Sandie Daeges at 926-4225. Each bowling center offers women’s, men’s and mixed leagues on various days and nights during the week. MAKE YOUR CALL TODAY & then mark it on your calendar.
Besides the fun of bowling on a league each week the association also offers several different tournaments during the course of the year. There is one for the men, one for the women and a mixed tournament for both men and women.
This is everyone’s chance to have fun and to make new friends so come join us now.
For more information, please call your local bowling center or Sandie Daeges, Association Secretary/Manager at 926-4225.

Cottonwood Mixed League starts Sept. 7
It’s time again for bowling leagues to start and Cottonwood Mixed League will be one of the first to get going at Prairie Imperial Bowl in Craigmont.
The league meeting will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 7. At that time we will draw for teams and get started right after the meeting.
Anyone interested in bowling in the league this year is asked to come to the meeting. You can also call Greg Wherry at 208-962-3556 or 208-983-3699 for more info.

Bowlers sought for Sunday night league
Bowlers, male and female, are needed for the Sunday Night co-ed league – can be all men, all women or mixed teams.
New teams are needed to keep this league going.
The league usually starts on the third Sunday of September (Sept. 18) with bowling beginning at 6 p.m. These can change depending on the wants of the participants.
Teams can be 1, 2, 3 etc., also depending on what works best for participants.
For additional information contact Dave 208/924-5470, Jack 208/924-5633 or Greg 208/962-3556.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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