to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review
No. 73 9/12/2016
For the last couple of weeks, an attempt has been made to look to the
past and see what can be learned from the news found in the middle of the
past century. There you will find the concern we had with the threat posed
by the Soviet Union and its atheistic theology.
As briefly mentioned here, the creation of the U.N. in 1945 in San
Francisco resulted in an agency we hoped would bring peace to a war shattered
world. However, a dash of cold water hit that hope shortly thereafter when
our representative there, Alger Hiss, in our State Department at the time,
was proved to be an agent of the Soviet Union. He was convicted of pejury,
lying under oath, and served ten plus years in prison as a result. This
story is told in detail in Whittaker Chamber's book, THE WITNESS. Chambers
for a time helped Hiss pass classified documents from our government to
the Soviet Union, but later turned over the proof that sent Hiss to prison.
Also during those same late '40's, several other Soviet spies were
located in our federal government. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were hanged
for being Soviet spies, and Harry Hopkins, the close and very influential
adviser to President F.D. Roosevelt was suspected of being a Soviet agent
at the time. A 2000 book, THE SWORD AND THE SHIELD by Christopher Andrews,
citing KGB files copied by Vasily Mitrokhin, a KGB archivist, now asserts
that Hopkins definitely was a Soviet agent during the 1940's.
One might legitimately ask why this should concern us today? Perhaps
the best response would come from a book written in 1972 by Fred Schwarz,
titled YOU CAN TRUST THE COMMUNISTS. In that book Schwarz claimed that
a person can trust that communists will do just what they claim they will
do! They will push their agenda, atheistic socialism, until it becomes
dangerous to do so, then retreat and back away peacefully as though they
have changed. Once their enemy guard is down, they will advance again,
and continue to do so until their final objective is met. Schwarz claims
in his book that school children have been taught the "Dialectical March"
in school, a simple "two steps forward then one step back" process repeated
over and over until the final objective is gained!
With this in mind, one might give thought to the old Cold War period
with constant threats of nuclear war, followed by a seeming period of peace
after the fall of the Berlin Wall, then to the present day when relations
with Putin and his Marxist government are heating up again!
For a more up to date discussion of this, read the 2011 book written
by the same Fred Schwarz and David Noebel: YOU CAN STILL TRUST THE COMMUNISTS,
SOCIALISTS, and PROGRESSIVES! Now where have we heard those last two words
So how about a few more Marxist quotations from the1900's: Marx: "Religion
is the opium of the people." Madam Krupshaya, Lenin's wife: "We must make
our school boys and girls not merely non-religious, but actively and passionately
anti-religious." From the Communist Manifesto: "Communism abolishes eternal
truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality." Lenin: "Promises
are like pie trust, made to be broken." And finally, "War to the hilt between
Communism and Capitalism is inevitable. Today of course we are not strong
enough... our time will come...The bourgeoise will have to be put to sleep...we
will launch a spectacular peace movement...with unheard of concessions.
The capitalist countries will rejoice to cooperate...when their guard is
down...we will smash them with our fist." Demitry Z. Manulsky, The Lenin
school of Warfare, 1931. Hmmm! I wonder! Is this a concern today?
Jake Wren |
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