Homecoming is next week
Following is the schedule of events for next week's Homecoming Week at Prairie High School.
Monday October 3rd:
Dress day: Opposite Day
All Hall decorations must be done by first bell.
Tuesday,October 4th:
Dress Day: Generation day; Freshmen- Cavemen,
Sophomores- Pioneers, Juniors- 80’s Seniors- Future
Wednesday, October 5th:
Dress Day: SPIRIT DAY!
Powder Puff Football @ 6:00pm at the football field.
Freshmen&Seniors v. Sophomores&Juniors
Powderpuff Volleyball @ 7:00pm in the Elementary Gym.
All Classes are separate teams.
Pep Rally- Last hour of the day!
Thursday, October 6th:
Teacher in-Service day
Friday, October 7th:
Teacher in-Service Day.
Parade, 5 p.m. All floats, classes, and royalties must be to Gem Builders by 4:45pm for the parade.
Football Game @ 7:00pm at the football field
Homecoming Dance after the game until 11:30 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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