Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review
No. 79  10/24/2016
On occasion it can be very profitable to just step back and take a close look at some of the ideas, which seem to be running rampant in our society today. And certainly no idea is more controversial, yet more readily accepted by many in positions of power, than the claim that global warming or climate change is a serious threat to our existence. And that a major cause is the burning of carbon based fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gasoline.
Maybe a good start would be to repeat the question asked at the end of our last review, "If a starving person sees an apple growing naturally on a tree, would it not make sense to reach up and eat it? Why then, if a person is cold and freezing, not use the natural heating sources of coal, oil and gas, found abundantly in our earth?"
It is claimed here that all reasonable people would eat that apple when hungry, with little or no concern about the how or why it happened to be there. Why then should a person not use the carbon based fuels named above to provide warmth, to power industry, to provide the transportation that is needed in the advanced societies that exist in our world today?
It is going to be claimed here that the underlying motive for the call to abolish or reduce the use of such fuels is essentially just another excuse to increase the power of the elitists in charge. Along with this claim is the assertion that those same elitists in general have no confidence in the controlling power of a benevolent and all powerful God, who is not only the creator of this world we live in, but has the ultimate control over our earth and all that is in and on it. A God that not only created the conditions which made possible the growth of the apple mentioned above, but who is also responsible for the vast resources found in our earth, the water so necessary for survival, and the amazing amounts of fossil fuels!
One easily gets the impression that modern man, especially the powerful and ruling group, is convinced that man alone is responsible for his survival and well being, and that a God in control is an old fashioned and out of date belief. Thus the world needs a benevolent government of superior beings who can make the hard decisions for us, and use the power there to control and regulate, restrict and abolish!
Even their claims hold no water! Any serious researcher can find ample evidence that: First, "87% of all human-produced carbon dioxide emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil." This comes from a Google search: Main sources of carbon dioxide emissions. Second, from the same sources it can be found that "Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions." Also found in the same area of information is the statement "CO2 is a vital nutrient for food crops," and "It is desperately needed for food crops and right now there is a serious shortage of CO2 on the planet." Finally, from the Food and Agriculture Organization we see "There are more trees in the U.S. today than there were 100 years ago." And these trees need CO2 to grow and thrive!
Really? You mean that we have not depleted our forests as some experts claim? And that those same forests need the CO2 that is emitted by our burning of fossil fuels, and that a byproduct of the process involved in the growth of trees, is the oxygen we need to survive?
Don't take my word for it! Do your own research, and then cut through the propaganda that is so free flowing today, and cast a vote for those who trust in God and in nature, and avoid like the plague those who would turn our future over to total regulation by government!!
Jake Wren

To the Editor
I know of (1) elected official in Idaho County with a wonderfully friendly attitude, and he always wears a smile. I bet you already know who it is!   You guessed right, it is Sheriff Doug Giddings!
In fact he is so approachable that  more than once I have joined a line just to greet him.
Others agree, I see more of his campaign signs in our county yards than anyone else.  He is good medicine and,  PS,  he is running as a Republican.
Lets keep this honorable Sheriff in office.
Betty Alm

To the Editor
Sheriff Giddings has worked cooperatively with our federal land managers and he has never thought about turning over or sharing policing jurisdiction with the federal government. He has worked cooperatively with our tribal partners while opposing cross deputization with the Nez Perce Tribe. He has fought to protect and stand for our second amendment rights. In doing all this he has stood in protecting the rights of Idaho County Citizens.
Given the challengers youthfulness, his lack of experience, his apparent pension for cozy relationships with the federal authorities, and his declared opposition to Sheriff Giddings’ policies, one can only assume he will abandon the path our good sheriff has blazed. We could all find ourselves spending time in federal and tribal courts rather than local and state courts.
Sheriff Giddings has faithfully executed his duties and a vote for Giddings is a guarantee to maintain local control of Idaho County.
Thank you,
Jim Chmelik & Carl Crabtree

McKenzie Idaho Supreme Court
I have served with Curt McKenzie in the State Legislature for several years so I know he serves the people of Idaho well on  Idahoans issues such as: Second Amendment rights ( endorsed by the NRA), pro-life issues (endorsed by Idaho Chooses Life), property rights, water rights and the list goes on.  He is also endorsed by the Idaho Farm Bureau, the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, the Associated General Contractors, the Idaho Association of Realtors, and the Professional Firefighters of Idaho.
Like former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, McKenzie believes in the original intent of the Constitution in relation to our form of Government. 
Please vote Curt McKenzie for Idaho Supreme Court.  Thank you.
Representative Paul Shepherd
Riggins, Idaho

To the Editor
I have noticed a few things that I would like to see clarified about the challenger in the sheriffs race against Doug Giddings. For a start I would like to hear what the defining moment was that caused him to walk away from running as a democrat 8 years ago to now running as an independent. What happened to allow him to walk away from the Democratic Party? What happened to the platform he espoused and seemingly ran on 8 years ago that supported gun control, government funded abortion, land grabs, and generally big government ideals? What is it about the Democratic Party that was appealing then? What is appealing about the independent party now, and what is it about the Republican Party that seems unappealing to Giddings challenger Today? 
Second, I would like to know how Gidding's challenger feels on the aspect of cross deputization with the Federal Nez Perce Tribal Police. I haven't heard this from the challenger yet and find it concerning. Are we to be subject to tribal law if the challenger allows cross-deputization to happen?
 Last, I would like to know what Giddings opponent finds so unsettling about Giddings operating a fully constitutional department while keeping in budget? A task that seems to plague many other public servants? With the point that he was able to purchase bulldozers for penny's on the dollar that can be used for clearing roads, search and rescue, or helping to construct a better firearms training range for the deputies to further their craft. 
Thank you, 
Justin Goodman 

To the editor:
If we want a county that honors law and the people within the county, there is only one choice: Sheriff Doug Giddings.  His opponent is an opportunistic power hungry wannabe that will be nothing more than a puppet on the federal string.  He ran as a Democrat in 2008 and probably still adheres to the Democrat plan to centralize control of our county at the Federal level.  Keep Idaho County independent of federal intrusion and control.  Vote for Doug Giddings.
Jon Menough
Elk City

A women's view of Sheriff Doug Giddings and Undersheriff Jim Georges.
When the Elk City slide happened it put my life half on one side and half on the other. Thanks to the Sheriff and Undersheriff they;
1- With the county road crew got 1199 road opened so we were able to cross.
2- They did not ticket residents for crossing the slide, as the state wished they would do.
3- They stopped the boulders from being put in the road across the slide so emergency vehicles could get through. Residents were having to be life flighted out. At their own expense.
4- They helped get hay, mail, UPS, and groceries in.
Even though these are day to day living things they show the Sheriff cares about the residents of this county and will stand up for them against other government agencies.
Second view point.
We live in the second largest county for landmass in our state. Our Sheriff is not everywhere. His opponent says the Undersheriff will be gone if he is elected. Our Undersheriff trains residents to protect themselves and the things they work for. As a female who had very little gun experience Undersheriff Jim Georges is an awesome trainer. His training is some of the best! As a woman I need to be able to defend myself. I can not leave it to my husband, or someone else. With everything that is going on in the world women we need to protect our self.
Sheriff Giddings opponent ran as a democrat 8 years ago. When has the democrat party tried to empower us as citizens. Whether it is over a road slide or to protect yourself as Undersheriff Jim can trains you. I feel safer knowing we have a Sheriff who cares about the residence of our county.
 K Hawk
Idaho County

I have known Sheriff Giddings for about six years, and I have had a number of opportunities to speak with Mr. Giddings on a personal level. I find him to be sincere, honest and upright. I believe that Sheriff Giddings holds the welfare of the people of Idaho County at a very high level. It grieves me that his opponents would stoop to slander, innuendo, hearsay and outright false statements in an attempt to bring down a fine honest man. Funny his opponent for the office of Sheriff ran as a democrat eight years ago and now as an independent. Is that an attempt to fool the electorate? As a conservative voter who enjoys the honest, safe, and conservative life style of Idaho County, I will vote for Doug Giddings for sheriff, and I encourage you to do likewise.
George E. Kerley

Dear Editor,
Do residents of Idaho County realize that Doug Giddings opponent ran on the Democratic Platform 8 years ago?  A platform of Gun Control, Big Federal Government Control, locking up our access to Federal lands, birth control via government funded abortions…
This is a mouthful. 
Lets retain Doug Giddings as our Sheriff. 
Its very important to keeping Idaho County the place we want to live.
Betty Alm

Dear Editor
Republicans for Martinez! I am a Republican. I always vote Republican---until now. Independent Carlos Martinez is the best choice for Idaho County Sheriff.
He was born and raised in Idaho County and knows the people and our needs. He treats every person with the respect they deserve regardless of the situation. He will improve cooperation with other law enforcement agencies to work with them to better serve all of us. He knows the Constitution and will defend your rights and help minimize federal expansion.
During the firestorm of 2015 I saw him work many days and nights with little sleep-beyond the call of duty- to help people evacuate, deal with, and recover from the fires. Carlos likes kids and off duty he coaches high school wrestling which puts him in a mentor position to help and teach young people. He has worked in law enforcement since 1998 and has acquired a lot of experience and education in the field from the Grangeville city to training Iraqi National Police, and as a Deputy with Idaho County.  
Please vote for common sense, leadership, cooperation, and integrity. Carlos Martinez for Sheriff  
Lucky Brandt

After re-election legislate public lands away
Senator Crapo proposed to prepare a congressional bill with Rep. Labrador/Sen. Risch to legislate trading away tens of thousands of acres of prime hunting, fishing and recreational lands, owned by the people, to a realty/timber company who owns 39,000 acres of cutover, clear cut lands. The reason for this unorthodox promise is because the Forest Service could not fulfill the federal regulation that any trade of federal public lands must be justified and in the interest of the people.
Senator Risch agreed to work with Senator Crapo to trade away the Lochsa Land Exchange lands at a public meeting in Grangeville in November, 2015. The gymnasium housing the public meeting was completely filled with 400 people. In presentations by the audience, only a couple supported the tradeaway of these  lands. Afterwards there was complete silence by attendees. All the other presentations were against the trade and people stood up and clapped, whistled and shouted very energetically. Afterwards, Senator Risch removed himself from being part of the unwanted trade because some 97% of the people’s comments objected to the Lochsa Land Exchange fiasco. The people thank Senator Risch for his decision. 
Senator Crapo and Labrador wish to legislate these lands away without listening to the people. If you vote for Senator Crapo or Labrador, you are voting for legislators who will initially legislate away up to 39,000 acres of cherished public federal lands used by tens of thousands of people annually. Do you really want these two re-elected to legislate more lands away through congressional bills? 
Note: Outdoor recreation on mostly public lands activities brings in 3/4 of a trillion dollars annually in spending on recreation across the U.S.
Harvey Neese
Clarkston, WA

A letter from the Idaho County Republican Central Committee to Senator Mike Crapo written on October 11, 2016
Dear Senator Crapo,
Donald Trump has been chosen by the Republican voters of this country to represent them in our bid for the White House this year. Mr. Trump is their choice based on the rules established by the Republican Party. He is our nominee. He represents the wishes of the Republican Party – not you as a Senator, nor others such as Mr. Romney nor the Bush family – he was chosen by us to represent us.
It was extremely disappointing to hear three days ago that you decided to no longer support Donald Trump as the Republican Candidate for President. As a Republican, you are expected to espouse certain ideals that all of us have in common. While many of us don not agree with positions you have taken in the past, still, as a Republican, we have been willing to support you in your position as a Senator from our great state.
However, with your announcement that you would no longer support Mr. Trump, in our opinion, you have relinquished your right to be association with the Party we represent. Effective immediately, the Idaho County Republican Central Committee will provide neither physical nor financial support to your effort to be re-elected. We will not distribute signs or other campaign literature on your behalf. Those of us who have put signs up for you, will remove those signs. We have lost our respect as a Republican and feel you are no longer worthy of the title of ‘Republican’ that we proudly wear.
Jon Menough, Chairman
Idaho County Republican Central Committee

Letter to the Editor
Carlos Martinez is doubtless a fine young man; but he is also a Democrat who wants to take office in a Republican County and State. The old expression “A fish out of water” comes to mind. I gather Carlos wants to reorganize the entire Sheriff’s Department more in line with his thinking. In my opinion we, right now, have one of the best organized Sheriff’s Departments in the State, if not the whole West Coast; and I, for one, feel safe with the Doug Giddings administered department. His long experience and proven training methods have served us very well; and it is my hope that eve some of the Democrats will see the wisdom in keeping Doug Giddings in his present position of Idaho County Sheriff. I’ve said it before, but may I say again: IF IT AIN’T BROKE, DON’T FIX IT.
Another subject: Kooskia Independent School District. Don’t be afraid to go for it. We did, and so far Salmon River has come up with seven state championships in athletics, followed by the highest test scores in the whole State. Our school Bond money goes to our local school district and is used as directed by our school board. Try it. I’ll bet you’ll like it.
Lastly: I think Syringa Hospital screwed up royally letting Craig Spencer get away. Keeping control local is always better. He’s right!
C. M. “Chuck” Vogelsong

Dear Editor 
So apparently the Grangeville police officers have endorsed Carlos Martinez for Idaho County Sheriff. I had seen the ad with pictures and names but I didn't know who the men were until I read about Doug Giddings' performance at last week's Grangeville City Council meeting. He wanted the Council to dicipline the officers. I guess he doesn't recognize Constitutional rights of individuals. I wonder how many County deputies would appear in Martinez ads if they had rights and did not fear for their job. Since Carlos chose to run for Sheriff he has been demoted twice and then laid off but Sheriff Giddings claims it is not political! I am a Republican but I think Sheriff Martinez sounds pretty good. I've known him since he was in high school and have great faith in his knowledge, experience, and abilities. Please give him your vote November 8. ()www.IdahoCountyFreepress.com has audio recordings of the above Council meeting) Thanks 
Lucky Brandt 

To Whom It May Concern:
We are proud to join in strong support of our friend and colleague, State Senator Curt McKenzie, for the open seat on the Idaho Supreme Court.  For several years, we have served with Senator McKenzie as member and later President of the Pacific Northwest Economic Region Foundation (PNWER).  
PNWER is a statutory public/private nonprofit created in 1991 by the States of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Washington, the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories with a mission of developing the economy of our region while enhancing our natural environment. 
During Senator McKenzie’s tenure, PNWER worked on a range of issues critical to the economic development of the Pacific Northwest. PNWER developed a regional framework for perimeter defense against invasive mussels, and PNWER secured federal funding to double the States’ inspection stations.  PNWER enhanced the national reputation of its Center for Regional Disaster Resilience and worked with Idaho’s Department of Homeland Security to improve cyber security in the region. 
We are members of three different political parties but party affiliation was never an issue as we worked closely with Senator McKenzie to advance non-partisan solutions to these, and other regional issues.  Senator McKenzie’s leadership was fair, open, and collaborative and focused on advancing the best interests of our region.  We are happy to call him a friend, and we believe that the qualities that made Senator McKenzie an effective and respected President of PNWER will serve him well as a Justice on the Idaho Supreme Court.
Sen. Arnie Roblan (Democrat, Oregon)
Rep. Mike Cuff (Republican, Montana)
MLA Dan Ashton (British Columbia Liberal Party, British Columbia) 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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