Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review
No. 81 11/7/2016
Well, it's over! At least for those of you who read these lines in local newspapers, though any who get these remarks by email find them there already Sunday! And what's over? The two year old campaign for president of course which has finally come to an end!!
What ever happens, one thing is for rock bottom certain: It is time for all, concerned for our country and our families and children, to kneel and PRAY! It is readily admitted here that this might be a bit old fashioned, but that is exactly what an old maybe Red Neck like myself is going to say! No matter who won Tuesday, it is definitely time to PRAY!!
Thinking that Donald might pull off an unexpected miracle, it is still time to PRAY! For none of us really have a clue what kind of administration might result! Will he be faithful to his campaign promise that the Supreme Court will remain with those who respect the Constitution and all that unique document has done to create the best nation on earth where one can live free, raise families in peace, and enjoy the fruits of honest labor? And protect a reputation for being the most prosperous and envied nation on earth, one which currently struggles with people from all around the globe wanting to come here!
And will Donald be able to walk the thin line between those who come here to harm and destroy us, and all those legitimately in need who are desperately seeking refuge for their families from poverty, starvation in many cases, and torture and death in others? After all, we are a nation of immigrants, new to the world in terms of history, and are usually willing to share our life style and prosperity with today's unfortunate folks!
And will he be able to deliver on his many promises to return jobs to America, when as a businessman, like all others, he has utilized cheaper labor and the more favorable climate for business in some foreign countries that has helped him build his own wealth?
And finally, will he be able to appreciate the threat our huge and growing debt poses for our future and our children? It is going to require very tough choices, and ones which will not be looked on kindly by a huge and growing number of people in this country!
And what if Hillary is declared the winner? Can our country possibly survive this very close friend of the Margaret Sanger philosophy which calls for abortion on demand, especially of minority groups like our black and Mexican friends, with the overall goal of reducing world population levels to one more "sustainable" and less "damaging" to our world environment? This goal of Hillary and her close friends is easily documented by those who seek the truth, but in general is denied publicly and stealthily hidden away!
Can we survive a liberalized supreme court which would steer our country further away from a God-centered Christian nation which respects life, promotes the value of the individual, the rule of law, the Ten Commandments, and a work ethic which requires most of us to care for ourselves, and not leech off of a "bread and circuses" type welfare system which threatens both our national character and our economic survival?
Lastly, in view of recent events coming to the attention of our justice and legal systems, will she even be able to avoid prison for her many lies and threats to our national security, and her despicable conduct which years ago caused our Lord to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Only time will tell I guess! But in the meantime, PRAY, for PRAYER will certainly help!! 
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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