Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review
No. 88  12/26/2016
Christmas behind us, and a New year ahead! What better time to pause awhile and give some careful thought to the struggle going on behind the scenes today, a struggle which I am going to bluntly say, is between the forces and followers of the historic God-man Christ, whose birthday we celebrated just this past week, and His age-old enemy, Satan himself!
Hey, no need to tell me it is not "politically correct" to take the wrong side on an issue like this, but maybe that is part of the problem! Some points of view are not welcome today, and in fact, if we listen to Kirstin Powers, the young liberal millennial whose book, THE SILENCING pushed itself onto the list of most popular books over a year ago, non liberal points of view should be silenced and suppressed. Miss Power's book, reviewed at length in last May's RNR #6, claims that modern liberals, she calls ILLiberals, resort to name calling and vicious slandering of those who dare to differ with them. She adds the subtitle to her book, "How the left is killing free speech."
This thought brings to mind a little letter from the Chronicle editor some weeks ago, with his response to an unsigned letter which evidently took offense from a column of mine. His short response noted that he welcomed different points of view, but that any who printed one needed to sign a name. Just the point I would like to make here! The beauty of the six billion plus world-wide human family, is that no two of us are alike! Thank God! In one way or the other, no single individual duplicates exactly any other, though we do have in common the fact that we all have the gift of life, and are endowed with various abilities and characteristics which set us apart in some way. This fact was driven home to me over and over during the 53 years I had the privilege of teaching school in this area! No two students ever exactly alike, yet each a unique individual with his or her own personal qualities and characteristics! Many times it has occurred to me that this is certainly better than would be the case if we were all alike and indistinguishable from one another!
Seems to me this might be at the very heart of the many conflicts one finds in our world today! Some folks demanding that others see it their way, or think the way they do... or vote for the person they want! Or maybe even more important, refusing to accept the miracle of life that each of us has somehow been given at one time. For the life of me, I will never be able to understand anyone who can accept or justify taking the life of an innocent and very helpless young child in the womb! In boggles my mind when I hear that roughly 60 million pregnancies that have occurred over the past decades in this country have ended in an abortion. Think of it! With about 360 million people living in our country today, 60 million is about 1/6th of the population. Next time in a crowd, count off in groups of six the people around you, and imagine that the sixth person counted had been aborted, and denied the gift of life! Ugh! A terrible thought in my mind!
For those of us whose memories go back to the 1960's, one cannot help but remember a group that made a big splash on the country and even around the world at the time. Called the "Up With People" group. One song in particular made famous by that group was called "What color is God's Skin? The first lyrics are as follows:
"Goodnight I said to my little son.... So tired out when the day was done,
Then he said as I tucked him in...."Tell me daddy what color's God's skin?"
(And the father responds...)
"I said its black, brown, its yellow... Its red or its white,
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight!"
Continued next week with complete lyrics to this song!!)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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