to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review
No. 89 1/2/2017
Well, here we are! Another year behind us, with no disaster so far
dooming our nation! Our stock market has leveled off a bit, but no crash
as has been predicted by some of the Wall Street critics we hear from time
to time. True, an alert reader can still find dire predictions of serious
inflation on the horizon, even runaway inflation some tell us is going
to happen! But 2016 has come to a close, and so now we look to the future,
and maybe speculate a bit on what the new year 2017 has in store for us.
For starters, what about those traditional resolutions normally associated
with an up and coming new year? Perhaps now is a good time to give some
thought to the increasing conflicts we see around us every day, and ask
what could be done to resolve them, and get our country back on an even
keel. Random shootings still numb us, especially when it involves our police
departments. Liberal newspapers continue to print obnoxious and critical
cartoons, making fun of our new president elect. Radical groups assemble
hereand there, not so much in support of one cause or another, but more
often spewing hate towards this group or that!
How about calling to mind some things of the past which might have
a soothing and a calming impact on ourselves and our country? Last week,
we cited the "Up with People" group which formed several decades ago, and
spread around our nation and the world some ideas which are well worth
remembering and maybe practicing: One such song sung by that group, which
by the way, is still performing now and then around the country and has
put out several new songs and albums, was entitled "What Color is God's
skin?"The complete lyrics of that song which follows below could work wonders
in resolving many of our national conflicts if listened to and put into
practice. The lyrics are:
"Goodnight I said to my little son"... So tired out when the day was
Then he said as I tucked him in...."Tell me daddy what color's God's
(And the father responds...)
"What color is God's skin... what color is God's skin?
I said its black, brown, yellow...its red, or its white,
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight."
He looked at me with his shining eyes...I knew I could tell no lies,
When he said "Daddy why do the different races fight...
If every man's the same in the good Lord's sight?"
(Repeat response above...then:)
"Son that's part of our suffering past...
But the whole human family is learning at last
That the thing we missed on the road we trod...
Is to walk as the daughters and the sons of God."
(Close with father's response above!)
There you have it! A simple song with a powerful message, recognizing
that each and every one of us is a child of God, loved by a savior who
died for us on a cross over 2000 years ago. And a simple request that would
change the world if lived by all: "Love God with your whole heart and soul,
and love your neighbor as yourself!" Hey! Maybe a good idea that each of
us make this a 2017 resolution! To live and let live, to respect and to
accept all as equal children of a loving redeemer and creator God! Why
Jake Wren
Dear Editor
Don't you dare remove the weekly "redneck rant". You can't buy that
of humor (even better than Dilbert), and the demonstrated literacy
is sure to bewilder grammar school kids from coast to coast. We sit around
drink beer and read each edition aloud—best time you can have here in Cottonwood.
Might move it to the "pastors column"
though as it gets a little preachy with all that Jesus stuff.
Herman G. "Goober" Stubbers
To the Editor,
Thanks to the Cottonwood City crew for taking such good care of our
snowy streets. You guys are keepers.
Jerry and Janet Richardson |
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