to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review
No. 91—1/16/2017
Its recap time! The last two reviews have dealt with events of the
past which could have a positive impact on the problems which are frequently
observed in the news today!
One suggestion dealt with the sing out performances of groups entitled
"Up with People" started originally in the mid 1900's by a "Moral Re-Armament"
movement. For a time, the group operated a college in Michigan called Mackinac
College. The school lasted only four years, from 1966 to 1970, but before
and after that interval, the sing out groups became famous all over the
world for their wholesome and patriotic themes. During the mid 1970's,
the groups regularly performed at halftime at major bowl games.
One group came to Idaho and locally here in Cottonwood in the late
1960's, and a couple of local students attended the college for a period
of time. Another student performed with a related group by the same name
in Spokane. Different groups have formed and continue to sing under the
same name with old albums and new ones available from some sources.
Why mention this group? Obvious, when the enthusiastic music and wholesome
and very patriotic lyrics are compared to much of the hippy culture music
which originated about the same time. That music was investigated at length
by author Noebel in his 1966 book by the title "Rhythm, Riots, and Revolution."
Author Noebel builds a powerful argument in that book that the music and
lyrics stemming from that hippy culture were deliberately designed to attack
and destroy the very fabric of America. The book is still available on
Amazon and other internet sources, and a knowledge of that book and a reawakening
of the type and kind of music provided by the Up With People groups would
be a big plus for our country today!
And oh, yes! A return to the notion of "color blind" in our courts,
in our politics, and in our every day dealings with one another would instantly
cure many of the problems facing us today. And the logic behind it is impeccable!
We are all creatures of the same God and His historical son Jesus, who
died a most painful death on a cross for one and all.
Which forces all of us at some time to make a choice today! Every living
individual around the world and in this country is faced with three movements
struggling to control the world.
The first of course is our own brand of Christianity which traces back
to the historical Christ. History tells us that the original colonies with
rare exception practiced some form of this belief, with a stress on the
importance of life and each individual, and calling for mutual respect
and love for one and all. Respect for property and responsibility for one's
actions were part of the belief system, and the record shows that our country
has flourished like no other ever since.
The second force is atheism, which historically only appeared in a
national way in Russia in1917. Space does not allow a lengthy expose of
this philosophy, but history records the millions of individuals who have
perished because of their failure to adapt to its demanding dictatorship.
All human worth and dignity is gone, and people become mere animals under
the control of a dictatorial ruling class!
Finally of course is radical Islam, today familiar to all by the name
ISIS. Gone is all freedom of choice. Required of all is a demanding allegiance
to one belief and one way of acting!
Again, the penalty for non compliance is death or serious penalty.
No freedom here either!
Does a thinking person really have any choice? Is it not simply freedom
or brute force?
Jake Wren |
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