Board meets
The proposed school calendar for the year 2017-18 was approved at the January meeting of the school board Wednesday, Jan. 18. Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann reported she had received just 5 comments on the calendar. She would like to put together a committee for next year when building the calendar and get it approved in December, if at all possible. Three bids were received for a new bus ranging from $82,715 to $85,792.61. The low bid, which was from Western Mountain Bus Sales, was approved pending the recommendation of David Shears. Section 5 of the policy manual was discussed but no action was taken. Several other policy changes were discussed and approved, as per recommendations or additions from the Idaho School Board Association. The emergency school closure days of Dec. 20 and Jan. 18 were approved after discussion. A motion was made and passed to have the February meeting at the high school on Wednesday, Feb. 22. The meeting will be in Mr. Hasselstrom’s room. In the facilities update Forsmann outlined some suggestions she feels need to be done over the summer. They are: Remodel of cabinets in the kitchen at the high school Replace both industrial kitchen stoves, one at elementary and one at jr./sr. high Safety fencing added to baseball field Updating bathrooms at football field: sinks, toilets and stalls. Overflow building, storage on the cement foundation that used to be Jake’s shop Do a phase in project on the high school gym heat to eventually get it off the boiler. Looking at 2 big heaters. Wall heaters are possible. Carpeting for Suzi Quintal’s room and a heater for Renee’ Eckert’s room Track-rubberized surface, and also writing a $5,000 grant for track equipment. After the superintendent evaluation was done during an executive session two motions were made and passed. One was to extend Forsmann’s contract for another year and the other was to approve Forsmann going ahead with the facilities update items. In the administrative reports Forsmann noted the K-6 students are in the middle of testing. She is working with waters leaks and the concrete by the front door which has expanded causing problems getting the door to open and close. They are having a similar concrete problem at the auxiliary gym. In her superintendent report she said she is working on another approach to finding a solution to either selling the old elementary or occupancy. She reported she would be watching the legislative sessions and following the budget debates. Day on the Hill is Feb. 20-21. This is an opportunity to meet legislators and discuss issues impacting the district. Carrie Nygaard reported Jr. High Volleyball started practice Jan. 9 with 14 girls participating. District basketball brackets were provided to the board. At this time both the boys and girls and 2nd behind Lapwai. The ACT exam will be offered Feb. 11. Mrs. Quintal is busy with parent meetings for incoming 9th grade students. PSAT results were handed out. Registration will soon be held for spring dual credit courses. She reported they are hoping to begin scheduling students for the next school year. The Jr./Sr. High School band plans to attend the UI Jazz Festival on Feb. 25. The board adjourned to the executive session at 7:45 p.m. and after coming out at 8:30 p.m. and making the motions, adjourned at 8:40 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 22 at the high school. |