to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review
No. 93 - 1/30/2017
Time and events march on! It is now around ten days since Donald Trump
was installed as our next president, and already many policies differing
from the previous administration are being proposed! Permission to continue
the long delayed pipe line in central America has been given, with a large
increase in employment possible in that region. Also, VP Pence recently
made an appearance at the national pro-life gathering in Washington D.C,
giving a talk there supporting president Trump's pledge to stop the federal
tax support of abortions. And his pledge to nominate a pro-life person
to the Supreme Court in the near future!
Which reminds me of a couple of related things. First, in the last
review, it was asked that someone might explain how killing an unborn child
in the womb, often by the most brutal methods, cannot escape the verdict
of murder! This column waits for the explanation! And related to this question
is the reply I received from a grandmother who reads this column, claiming
that she had a grandchild that was born with an amazingly small weight
of 1 lb and9 oz.! She went on to claim that the child is alive and well!!
Amazing! The smallest child I have ever heard of yet who survived the birth
process, and is alive and well today!
And then of course, the liberal and progressive element in our society
continues to complain and insult the new president, daily mocking him or
insulting him with gross cartoons in daily papers. But this is to be expected
as the liberal element in our society can tolerate no point of view other
than their own! What a mockery of the meaning of the word liberal!
One serious problem with the Trump administration looms hard on the
horizon however! The program he champions is sure to add billions to our
national debt, at least for a significant period of time. And increased
debt and increased money in circulation can only lead to more inflation
in the future! One needs to ask just how long this can go on before the
creeping rise in prices becomes a galloping one, hyper inflation its called
by economists! When one looks at prices back in the mid 1900's, and compares
them with those we see today, it is obvious that the dollar has lost at
least 90% of its value! Even a similar rate would threaten to make the
dollar worthless, and the forces working on its destruction are much greater
today than they have ever been in history! Simply put, a person should
prepare for galloping inflation!
I tread on controversial ground here, but I am betting that the stock
market will soon crash or at least take a serious turn down, probably to
50% of its present value. I am unwilling to say when, but the evidence
that it will happen is there for anyone to see. The low interest rates
set by the Federal Reserve cannot last forever, yet any attempt to raise
them significantly will prove to be a serious blow to debtors and the economy!
You will not get a prediction here when this will happen, but I am stepping
out on a limb to claim that it will happen in my lifetime, probably only
a relative few years from today!
While out on this proverbial limb, it is claimed also that in the same
short future, we will all see a huge increase in tangible assets, like
silver and gold. For a ton of reasons, I claim that silver is due for a
huge price increase, any where from $100/oz to even $1000/oz! In the space
left, here is a brief summary of those reasons, with more detail to follow
next week.
1) Over the past 50 years, the total available silver in the world
was five times greater than the available supply of gold, whereas today
the silver supply is only about one fifth the amount of gold. 2) Amazing
new uses are depleting the supply faster than ever, and the price of silver
has been held down deliberately, creating a potential serious shortage.
And the historical ratio of silver to gold, 15 to 1, is now near a ridiculous
74 to 1! It will adjust... some time!
Jake Wren |
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