Parish Mission set for March 6-9
The St. Mary’s Tri-Parish Community will present a powerful Lenten Parish Mission with international Catholic lay evangelist Mr. Richard Lane March 6-9 at the St. Mary’s Church Sanctuary beginning at 7 p.m. each evening. The theme of the mission is “Standing on the Rock of Faith.” Mr. Lane is internationally renowned for his inspiring and motivational revivals. Phone the Church office at 962-3214 or visit Lane’s website at www.EvangelistRichardLane.com for more information. Below is more information about Richard Lane Ministries. Richard Lane Ministries This ministry ‘Qorban’ dedicated to God, was found in early 2005 by Evangelist Richard and Donna Lane. From simply passing out bibles on the streets of St. Louis, Missouri, to giving ‘witness’ talks in protestant churches, to being called to speak at Catholic Conferences, leading retreats, and co-founding the Catholic Men for Christ Catholic Men’s Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, Richard and Donna continue to share the Joy of the Gospel around the world, through the preaching and teaching of the GOOD NEWS; Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again. For almost 10 years Richard Lane Ministries has reached millions of people around the United States and Internationally through mostly Parish Missions, Catholic Conferences, and also Catholic Radio & Television – EWTN, Relevant Radio andCatholicTV.com, and many more. Richard and Donna have given their lives to the Preaching and Teaching of the Good News to thousands of people, through their Parish Mission Ministry. The Parish Mission is an excellent way to continue to enliven many parishes who continue to suffer from the aridity of parish life, breathing new life and excitement into the community of believers. Richard and Donna continue to sacrifice all they have and all they are to give new life and new hope to those who remain in a dead hope in this life… seeking to find something new, something inspirational and something to continue to believe in… the Truth that NEVER fails… Jesus Christ. About Richard Born in Detroit, Michigan to Mary O. Alexander, retired Educator for the Highland Park School system and the late Dick “Night Train” Lane; National Football League Hall of Fame Cornerback, Mr. Lane, Jr. attended Morehouse College in Atlanta Georgia and also served honorably for nearly six years in the United States Army Military Police Corps in numerous domestic and international locations. As a convert to the Faith in April 19, 2003, it was in early 2005 when Mr. Lane was lead to begin proclaiming the Gospel as a Street Corner Evangelist, sharing the Word of God, passing out Bibles, Crosses and other Religious items. Since that time Mr. Lane has been featured on “Catholic Answers Live”, Ave Maria Radio, Relevant Radio, Our Sunday Visitor, the National Catholic Reporter, Sports Review Magazine, as well as Eternal Word Television Network’s (EWTN) the “Journey Home” with Marcus Grodi and is the Co-Founder of Catholic Men for Christ Men’s Conference in St. Louis, Missouri which continues to draw thousands of men each year to hear the Powerful Message of the Gospel. Being one of the most sought after Catholic Speakers in the United States Mr. Lane continues to evolve, bringing the Fire of the Holy Spirit with him in all of his talks and Engagements not only to Catholic Churches, but also being invited to speak and preach in numerous Baptist, Methodist and Inter/Non- Denomination churches across the Country bringing True Witness of Christ in an ecumenical role. In FULL TIME ministry, Mr. Lane is truly on the rise as one of the most dynamic and Charismatic Catholic Speakers and Revivalists around, conducting Parish Missions and Revivals across the Nation “Preaching, Teaching and Sharing the Word of God” in the TRUEST spirit of ecumenism, focusing on the importance of Evangelization and ministering to thousands who are lost and in search of something greater than themselves; Jesus Christ! “Traditio Evangelii” ~ The proclamation and handing on of the Gospel ~ Mr. Lane’s dynamic and charismatic style of ministry is based upon three principles; Faith – Hope – Love; integrating these with the Sacraments instituted by Christ. Evangelist Lane focuses on Reconciliation in effort to bring about healing to so many who are lost and fallen away from His Church. Richard is the proud husband of Donna L. Lane and a beautiful daughter, K. Alexandria Lane. Contact Richard today for your next Engagement, Advent/Lenten Parish Mission or Men’s Conference, to email, click on the picture below. Thank you and God bless. |