activities for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Youth in Christ, The month of March brings with it the hope of Spring along with the challenge of sacrifice and change. Hope can arise through darkness, light can come through suffering, and resurrection can come through a willing heart. This month offers us the opportunity to grow and become more through our decisions and actions. Please join us as strive to open our hearts to all that lies before us as we say “yes” to God and his plan for our lives during this Lenten season. March begins with an invitation to all youth to join us for soup and sandwiches at the OMG youth room on the 1st at 6:00 p.m. We will eat dinner prior to going to St. Anthony’s for Ash Wednesday Mass. We would love to have you join us for this first night of Lent. All of the youth in the evening Confirmation class with Jim Chmelik are asked to join Debbie at St. Mary’s Church on March 5th at 6:00 p.m. We will begin practicing for the shadow stations that will be held on March 24th. We will practice until 7:30.The next week, March 6th through 9th we will not have youth due to the Catholic mission being held at St. Mary’s Church each night. I will however, hold an ICYC meeting at 5:45 p.m. in the Sacred Heart room at St. Mary’s Church on March 8th. I am asking all of the youth and adults who plan on attending ICYC to be present for this meeting. You will receive your hotel information and room assignments along with a schedule for the weekend. The ICYC group will meet at the Church parking lot at 8:45a.m. on Friday March 10th . We will load the bus at approximately 9:30 a.m. so, I need you ready to go by 9:00 a.m. Please bring a sack lunch for the day. You will need enough money for 2 meals for the weekend. We will return approximately 3:30 p.m. on Sunday. The Jr. High will go to Lewiston for a pizza and a movie on Wednesday, March 15th. We will meet at the Church Parking lot at 4:45. The cost is $15.00 per person. I need adult drivers, so if you are interested please let me know. I will need to know by March 13th if you are able to join us for this great adventure. On March 20th, the High School REACH team meets to review the plans for the upcoming Jr. High REACH night. We will meet at the OMG at 7:00 p.m. All peer ministers are asked to attend this planning meeting. The Haiti Mission Team is hosting a “Taco Tuesday” at the KC hall from 5:00 to 7:30 on March 21st. Please join us for this night of great food and friendship. Your support is greatly appreciated as we continue to work toward making a difference in Haiti and the larger world. The Jr. High will meet at the OMG at 6:30 for pizza, which will be followed by a lesson on praying with “colors”. All Jr. High youth are invited to attend. On Friday night, March 24th the evening Confirmation class will host the “shadow stations” at 6:30. p.m. All members of the Confirmation class are asked to be at St. Mary’s Church at 4:45 to get dressed and run through the stations. On March 27th, the High School youth will meet for a prayer night. We will begin the night with food at 6:30 and we will follow our dinner with a time of prayer with and for each other. Please join us as we gather in God’s name to love and support each other through God’s intercession. The Haiti team will meet on March 28th at 7:00 p.m. at the OMG to plan the pancake breakfast fundraiser for April 2nd. All team members are asked to be present at this meeting. On March 29th, we will meet at the CEC building. The Jr. high are invited to attend at 7:00 p.m. All High School peer ministers are asked to be at the CEC at 6:00 to prepare for the night. May the Lord fill us with hope, light, and an open heart as we journey during these days of Lent. In God’s Hope, Debbie |