Democrats to meet
The Idaho County Democrats will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 13th at the Grangeville Senior Center, 6:30 P.M. Doors will open at 6:00. The Grangeville Senior Center is located on the Truck Route on the north side of town. Agenda items will include debriefing the January breakfast with Representative Mat Erpelding and the February public education forum, upcoming highway cleanup events for Highway 12 and Highway 95, a report from the Frank Church Banquet attendees, discussion surrounding changes to monthly meeting dates and locations, setting the calendar of events for the coming year, as well as an invitation for new business. Regular meetings are held the second Monday of most months. The meetings are open to the public and refreshments will be served. For more information or carpooling opportunities, call Michelle Perdue at 983 3763 or visit the Idaho County Democrats Facebook page. |