levy set for $350,000
The school adopted a resolution to seek a $350,000 override levy again
this year at the March meeting Monday, March 20.
The amount is the same as last year. . . .
[Read full story]
Island' a success
The Center For Discovery's production of Treasure Island was a huge
success thanks to the generous donations from the following sponsors: .
. .
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meetings held regarding old school
About 25 people attended a special community meeting on the old Elementary
School Tuesday, March 14 at the Auxiliary Gym. . . .
[Read full story]
community cleanup starts
The Annual City of Cottonwood Community Cleanup started this past Monday,
March 20 and will run until June 1. . . .
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Lane minsitry is inspirational
STANDING ON THE ROCK OF FAITH. Wow, that really says it all! . . .
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Another of the founding members of the CIAA is featured this week.
. . .
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Bark Park publishes book
Frances Conklin has recently published the book, Sweet Willy, a Noble
& Absurd Undertaking. . . .
[Read full story]
Showcase set for March 29
All community members are invited to join us at Praire Jr/Sr High for
the annual Spring Showcase Event on Wednesday, March 29 from 5:00 to 7:00
pm. . . .
[Read full story]
Horse Vaccination Clinic set
The 2017 4-H Horse Vaccination Clinic will be held Saturday, March
25th from 9 am-11 am at Cottonwood Veterinary Service, . . .
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conditions affect forest roads
Extremely wet conditions have caused slides, slumps, and soft roadbeds,
impacting access in areas of the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests.
. . .
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game postponed
Saturday’s baseball home game against Genesee has been cancelled. .
. .
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The District 2 All-Star games were both won by the South teams in action
held at Lapwai High School Tuesday, March 7. . . .
Several Prairie players were named to the idahosports.com all-state
tournament teams. . . .
[Read full story]
team at Central Idaho Invitational
Ciara Chaffee and Sean Spencer each had a second place finish for the
top finishes by Prairie athletes at the Central Idaho Invitational Track
Meet held at Lapwai Saturday, March 18. . . .
[Read full story]
to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's
print edition of the Cottonwood Chronicle. . . .
[Read full stories]
Above are some photos of the Missoula Children’s Theatre
production of Treasure Island provided by Erin Shears. The top photo shows
the Seagulls. The middle photso shows Laney Forsmann and Chloe Rowland.
The bottom photo shows Lizzie Severns, Isabella Walsh, Ember Martin and
Taylor Riener. Photos by Erin Shears. See article above left. Click on
each photo for a larger view.
Evangelist Richard Lane sharing his ministry with
local youth. Photo by Julie Arnzen. See stroy above left. Click on the
photo for a larger view.
A good-sized crowd turned out for the Prairie FFA’s
annual banquet Tuesday, March 14. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Summit and Prairie 5-6th players wait for the rebound
in a recent game held at Summit Academy. Summit had a comfortable
lead after the first half of the game. Prairie came back during the
second half to tie up the game. A two minute overtime was enough
for Summit to earn the win. It was an exciting game for the boys
and spectators. A rematch is scheduled for Wednesday, March 22nd
at 6pm at the Prairie Elementary Gym. Photo by Summit Academy. Click on
the photo for a larger view.
Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@idaho.net)
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