Showcase set for March 29
All community members are invited to join us at Praire Jr/Sr High for the annual Spring Showcase Event on Wednesday, March 29 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Haystacks will be served from 5 to 6:30 pm in the Cafeteria. Teachers will be available for parent-teacher conferences and student work will be on display. New this year will be a college fair brought to you by GEAR UP Idaho. The University of Idaho and Lewis-Clark State College are both planning to attend. Walla Walla Community College and Washington State University have also been invited. They will have tables set up with information and a representative who would love to talk to parents or students of all ages about your plans after high school. At 6:30 pm, Wesley Vaina, Associate Director of Admissions from the University of Idaho, will give a brief talk on What to Expect At College. All attendees of that presentation can enter to win one of two Kindle Fires. You must be present to win. Contact Mrs. Loretta Poxleitner with questions at or 962-3901. Mrs. Gehring would also like you to stop in the library to see the great display of items created by our sewing classes. Please stop by the library to put your name in for a drawing to win a beautiful lap quilt. We will draw the winner at 7:00 p.m. |