conditions affecting forest roads
Extremely wet conditions have caused slides, slumps, and soft roadbeds, impacting access in areas of the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests. Currently, access is known to be blocked by slides or road damage in the following areas: * North Fork District – Beaver Creek Road 247 is blocked by a slide and debris near Steep Creek, approximately ½ mile above Aquarius Campground. ·* Moose Creek Ranger District – Selway River Road 223 is blocked by boulders at milepost 13.1. Traffic is discouraged beyond O’Hara Bridge as there is no safe turn-around beyond that point. * Moose Creek Ranger District - Swiftwater Road 470 is slumping and impassible at the Forest boundary Forest Supervisor Cheryl Probert asks visitors to exercise extreme caution while traveling roads and trails. “The saturated ground is causing slides and falling trees in many places; but please be especially cautious in areas recently impacted by fire. Damaged soil and dead or dying trees can be especially susceptible to the current wet conditions,” she said. It is likely access is, or will be, impeded in other locations as more wet weather is forecasted. Travelers should be alert and on the lookout for fallen or falling trees, rolling rocks or other obstacles and hazards such as rapidly rising streams and water over roads. Road and trail damage can be reported to your nearest Ranger District Office or by calling 208-935-2513. Updated information on access will be posted as it becomes available on the Nez Perce-Clearwater Forests’ website: www.fs.usda.gov/nezperceclearwater or on the Forest’s Facebook page. A slide has closed Road 247 at Steep Creek . Photo by Idaho Fish & Game. A rockslide blocks Selway Road 223. Photo by U.S. Forest Service. |