to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 103 - 4/10/2017
Sometimes it seems that our reaction to the news coming at us today
might profit from abit of advice given to students in a math class I attended
decades ago. An articulate, easygoing, very impressive instructor from
New York University gave us his method of solving a difficult math question
that baffled everyone: "Just grab an easy chair, sit back, relax, and think
about it for awhile! Often times the solution will pop into your head!"
We laughed a bit, but the suggestion we sit back, relax, and think
about it, appealed to all of us at the time, and might often prove to be
excellent advice today!
Consider for one, the question of the travel ban on immigrants ordered
by President Trump. We all know that America is a land of immigrants to
begin with, going back only a brief time in the history of our nation.
So we all know that the thousands of people from other lands that have
come to our country is one of our strengths and part of our heritage.
But some basic thoughts come to mind when one sits back, relaxes and
thinks about it. First, imagine the policy any sane family would insist
on in their own home. Friends, relatives, and visitors welcome all the
time... BUT only if they respect the family itself, its traditions and
its beliefs. No one would or should tolerate a visitor whose very presence
threatens the family itself or the way of life found there. The father
or the one in charge would not hesitate to close the door, dismiss, or
throw out any visitor who threatened the family existence or refused to
abide by the family traditions. Common sense says it can be no other way!
Well, common sense says the same policy should apply to visitors who
come to your town, your state or your nation. America's history of being
a land of unprecedented opportunity was built on a particular philosophy
of religion, freedom, and responsibility. Thus we can and will welcome
immigrants from our southern neighbor, provided they come here to enjoy
the life and freedom and opportunity they believe they can find here. BUT...
they must be asked to learn our language, obey our laws, and become citizens.
It makes no sense if they hope to build in our country little communities
like the ones they left behind. And it certainly makes no sense to allow
those who use our open border to come with the thought of destroying us!
Also imagine how unfair it is to allow illegals to compete with those who
have come the legal way, worked to become citizens, learned our language,
and paid their fair taxes!
The same is true of people who want to come here from the Middle East
and from countries banned by President Trump. No one begrudges families
who in desperation are seeking help and safety from tyrants in their own
home land. But they must be willing to give up their old convictions and
ways of life, and be required to meet our citizenship tests. It is unreasonable
for them to demand we learn their language, and respect their traditions
and religion.
The bottom line is, we cannot allow individuals to come here who would
wreck our way of life, or worse, who come to destroy us or alter it along
their own lines. Allowing illegals to come here from Mexico, enjoy our
free schools and medical services, demand their language be put on products
and taught in schools makes no sense at all. And from the Middle East and
other Islamic countries? A no brainer! We will welcome you if you leave
your jihadist ideas behind, recognize the rights of women and other religions,
work to learn our language and become citizens! Otherwise, do not expect
to be welcomed with open arms! So the challenge for allof us and the Trump
administration is to welcome the willing to do this, and slam the door
on all others. And to start, we applaud Trump's effort to determine the
Jake Wren |
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