Prairie HOSA students finish in top 3
Ten Prairie HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) students competed in the State Competition in Boise on April 6th and 7th. They competed against students from all over Idaho in various events such as Dental Science, Medical Spelling, Forensic Science and many more. Madison Ulmer finished first in her event; Healthy Lifestyles and she also receive one of five $1000 HOSA scholarships. Leah Higgins finished third in her event; Medical Career Photography. And Hope McIntire finished in the top five in Veterinary Science. The top three finishers in each event get to go on to compete in Orlando Florida at the National level. While at the State Competition the HOSA group participated in Leadership, Self Defense, Communications and Zumba classes. They also enjoyed an evening at Wahooz Family Fun Zone; riding go carts, playing laser tag, rock climbing, etc. It was a pleasure taking these ten young ladies to Boise for this competition, said Cheri Holthaus, HOSA Advisor. I was so proud of the way they all represented themselves and Prairie High School. The Prairie HOSA Team at State. From left are Leah Higgins, Kendra Duclos, Alexis Shears, Hope McIntire, Josie Peery, Madison Ulmer, Molly Schwartz, Jordyn Higgins and Alexis Hiler. (not pictured is Kristyna Krogh. Photo provided by Cheri Holthaus. Leah Higgins and Madison Ulmer with their State Medals. Photo provided by Cheri Holthaus. |