to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 104 - 4/17/2017
Last week in Review #103 it was suggested that it might be profitable
to simply "Sit back and relax, grab an easy chair, and think about any
topic under consideration." It was argued there that our immigration policy
should welcome all comers willing to adopt our way of life, become citizens,
pay their fair share of taxes, LEARN OUR LANGUAGE, and enjoy the benefits
of citizenship that prompts so many wanting to come here each year.
But common sense also requires that we deny entry to those whose intent
is to destroy the way of life that attracts them, much as one would expect
any home owner to deny entry to a home to any visitor unwilling to observe
the family rules and traditions there.
So let's give serious consideration and RELAXED THINKING to some items
we see in our weekly news. Admittedly, we violate "political correctness"
immediately, but that is necessary in view of our recent celebration of
Easter, the resurrection of the historical Jesus Christ, after a time of
brutal beating and crucifixion that led to his documented death and later
His appearance alive to dozens of witnesses at the time.
And history records other indisputable facts. First, that our country
was founded primarily by CHRISTIANS who were serious about putting their
belief in God and Christ into the fabric of their nation. And second, this
foundation of belief was a vital part in the growth of this nation into
the most powerful and wealthy, and the best place to live in freedom of
all other nations in today's world! Thus the clamor today for others wanting
to come here!
So what is the problem? To begin, it is easily recognized that the
religion born of the Easter resurrection is under attack today, with its
demand that life be respected, (thus abortion is a serious crime), and
that the Ten Commandments and Christ's command that we "Love God above
all and our neighbor as ourselves" be recognized as rules for living (so
should be allowed in schools and government buildings, public parks, and
where ever feasible). Our very survival as the nation all want to live
in depends on our recognizing and defending these basic and fundamental
But instead, what do we do? First, we insist here that our founding
religion be kept out of our government, and our schools, and that other
beliefs of all kinds, even atheism itself, be given equal status. Radical
"Jihad" Islam for example, denies freedom to practice other religions,
denies equal rights to women, and kills brutally all who dare to stand
in its path. "Politically correct" individuals today refuse to admit this
is true, but an honest look at history and the record of what is going
on around us today forces any honest person to recognize that truth.
Bluntly, we are allowing the killing of the goose that laid the golden
egg, by not insisting on reserving the philosophy that has made us great
and given us this enviable life style!
Furthermore, "relaxed thinking" will convince us also that the growing
love of socialism is a dead end street. Every where we are led to believe
that governments can solve all of our problems, and that every individual
is entitled to an equal share of the good things of life, and that governments
are responsible for making this happen. But the biblical author Paul in
one of his epistles says in words to this effect, "He who does not work,
let him not eat." History itself records the early demise of socialist
countries, and the recent examples of Cuba, the Soviet Union, Venezuela
and others provide living example of the fate of such efforts!
The burning question is, "Will we as a nation ever learn or at least
learn in time?"
Jake Wren |
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