Gehring named Mother of the Year
When it came time for my family to finally meet me, from the stories I have heard, my mom argued with the doctor about my gender, because my mom and dad wanted a little boy. But let me tell you this, my mom would not trade me for any boy in this world. We have a special bond. She has been my safe haven and my rock when I felt like I could not stand on my own two feet. She pushed me to be the best form of myself. Helping me to mature and try new things in life. She taught me that some winners are not the ones that got the trophy; but they are the ones that stand on the sideline with a smile, waving at the ones that got the trophy. She has been the one to calm me down when I was crying, and she was willing to leave work if necessary to comfort me on many occasions. If she could hear me crying over the phone, or when I was sick and hurting she would rush to make sure I was alright. In our talks, that we have all the time, my mom told me that I was wiser than my age. Well I believe the reason I am wiser than my age is because I have a wise mom that has taught me so much. She has taught me to listen, watch, and love with everything I have. To pay attention to everything going around me and listen to what nature has to say, and never take anything for granted. My mom will always be one of the most important people in my life. I do not know where I would be without her in my life. I can tell her everything and anything and she will love me no matter what. I know when I cry it hurts her and I know different actions I do cause her pain. For that Mom, I am sorry and I want you to know it’s not on purpose. To compare everyone’s mother is impossible, each one is different and unique in their own way. Therefore I can not say my mom is the best mother, but I can say my mom is the best mom for me. The reason I can say this is because she has loved me through everything and has been my rock my whole life. So, Mama Joyce, Thank you for everything you have done and what you will do in the future, you are truly my hero. By: Laina Sonnen Joyce Gehring was named Mother of the Year at the Mother-Daughter Tea a couple weeks ago based upon her daughter Laina’s essay which is printed above. |