City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their May meeting Monday, May 8. Jordan Zwygart, the city’s auditor was in attendance and gave a brief report. No discrepancies were found. Dave Fuzzell, retiring city employee, was presented a plaque and gift certificate by the mayor and council for his years of service to the city. Jim Georges of the Idaho County Sheriff’s Dept. was in attendance to give a report. In the water report Pat Holthaus noted 2 million gallons were pumped with 1.6 million sold for a 20% loss. It was also reported that a large leak was found and fixed in the trestle area. Other wet spots were investigated and found to be just ground water. Ron Grant reported most of the limbs and stumps have been cleared in the agriforest so they can start mowing and testing lines. Jack Duman reported the sidewalk project work has started. He also had a conversation with the Idaho Transportation Dept. about rerouting of Cottonwood Creek and the sidewalk problems along King Street. In the land and buildings report Shelli Schumacher said with the guardrails being replaced in the Lewiston area they are looking into getting some of the posts to use around the park. Grant reported the fire department had just 1 call this past month, a truck fire near Militec on Hwy. 95. Drainage issues on Main Street were discussed. It was discovered that permits would be needed from ITD. Water pressure at the RV dump site was discussed. Roy Uhlenkott reported since they didn’t design it, they couldn’t really come up with a solution to get more pressure. Apparently it isn’t high enough for newer camp trailers to clean out the black water tanks properly. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, June 12 at 7 p.m. |