Things Are True
by Dan Coburn
Pastor, Emmanuel
Baptist Church
Looking for Biblical Moms. Not a stretch to say Mom is synonymous with
Love. 2nd John vs 6. “And this is love, that
we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, that, as ye have
heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.”.
1st Cor. 13:3 = “And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,
and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth
me nothing.” Why is love so Important? 1; It is in loving
that we are most like Him – “For all the law is fulfilled in one
word, even in this; Thou Shalt Lobe Thy Neighbor as Thyself.” –Gal.
5:14. Unselfish vs Self-Centered. We are to love
(honor) all men, but should show special love to the brotherhood.
Not “be warm and filled”. 2 Jesus said it would be our love,
not our doctrinal beliefs that would be the greatest witness to a lost
and dying world – John 13:35 = “by this shall all men know that ye are
my disciples, if ye have love one to another”. Love cannot
be learned in isolation, but only by repeated exposure to irritating, imperfect,
frustrating people. God’s Love experienced through fellowship with
God’s people teaches us Three important Truths. 1) Life without
love is really worthless. 1st Cor. 13:3 above. We act as though
relationships are to be squeezed out of our extra time; kids, spouse.
The first four commandments are about our relationship with our God,
The balance are about relationships with each other. The first
Great Commandment = "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your
soul, all your heart, all your mind and all your strength." The
second is like it; "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. on these
two hang all the law and the prophets" – Mark 12:30-31.
2) Love will last Forever. There are three things that last
forever; 1st Cor. 13:13 – Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest is Love.
On your Deathbed, You will never ask: "Bring me my diplomas --- Bring my
trophies --- Bring me my awards. Bring me my portfolio". Nor
will you ever see a hearse pulling a Uhaul. 3) We will be evaluated on
our love; God won’t ask you about your hobbies, golf
score or bank account. It will be how we treated others. “Insomuch
as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have
done it unto me.” – Matt. 25:40. In eternity, we leave
everything behind but character. That’s why Gal. 5:6 says the only
thing that counts is faith expressing itself how? Through Love.
How then shall we live? Maybe more like Mom. You
can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving. |
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