grade field day held at Winchester Lake
Teaching outdoors is natural for the Lewis Soil Conservation District (LSCD). Getting student in the outdoors and teaching them about conservation and natural resources is something they have been doing for 45 years. LSCD served the community by organizing and hosting the Annual Sixth Grade Field Day at Winchester Lake State Park. This year the event was enjoyed by approximately 60 6th grade students from Prairie and Kamiah school districts on Friday, May 19th. (attendance was down due to conflicts with other schools schedules) The students rotate throughout eight different educational stations every 20 minutes: Soils and Geology, instructed by Eileen Rowan, Idaho Soil Conservation Commission, Forestry, taught by Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) staff, Take Me Fishing instructed by Idaho Fish and Game staff, Fire Control taught by IDL staff, Life of the Salmon instructed by Kevin Traylor and Cadie Pruss, NRCS, and Jinny Cash, Nature Trail instructed by Alex Miller, US Army Corps of Engineers. Air Quality was instructed by Johna Boulafentis, Nezperce Tribe, and the favorite part of the day riding the canoes with supervision from Jared Everson, NRCS, Stefanie Hays, ISWCD, Elaine Sonnen, LSCD, along with volunteers Tom Sonnen, Joe Kuther and Clinton Holthaus. The Winchester Quick Response crew was on site if needed. Also participating in the fun for the day was Mike Ponozzo, Lewis County Commissioner, Jonna and Micah Holthaus, Gina, Colby and Cash Mosman. LSCD appreciates support from Winchester State Park for waiving the park fee, Winchester QRU which we are grateful their services weren’t used, the instructors for their time and knowledge, Karol Holthaus, LSCD, who prepared lunch for the instructors, and to Mike Ponozzo and the Lewis County Commissioners for getting funds for LSCD to purchase 2 more canoes and 10 life jackets for this educational event. It is always a great day of learning and the sun stayed out for all to enjoy. Several of the stations at the Winchester Lake Field Day for area 6th graders.They had units on (from top down) canoeing, air quality, fire control, forestry and life of salmon. Photos provided by Lewis Soil Conservation District. |