drive set for June 12
The Cottonwood Community Blood drive is scheduled through Inland Northwest Blood Center for June 12, 2017 at the Cottonwood Community Hall from 11:45 am – 6:00 pm. This is the same blood drive that has been established here in Cottonwood for 40 years and was previously organized by Sally Terhaar & Irma Tacke. When Irma & Sally decided they were ready to hang up their organizer hats, St. Mary’s took it over and has sponsored it for the past 15 years. If you need to schedule an appointment for the drive on June 12 at the Hall you can either call Brenda Kaschmitter at the hospital 208-962-3251, or go on to . Please note that I am not referring to the Red Cross drive that was listed in the church bulletin this past weekend. If you intend to donate at that drive instead, please let us know so we can cancel your appointment with us. We would like to thank you for your years of support that has helped to make the Community Blood drive such a successful event; we truly appreciate each and every one of you. Brenda Kaschmitter and Donna Quick, Cottonwood Community Blood Drive Coordinators received the Coordinators of the Year award from Inland Northwest Blood Center. Donna ( far left) and Brenda (far right) are pictured with their wonderful volunteers. |