Clinic set
Highland and Prairie will be hosting the Moea'i Family Volleyball Clinic. Prairie will be hosting 4th-8th grade girls at the elementary school. Camp dates are June 12th and June 13th Times are 10 am to Noon, a 30 minute lunch break then resume camp at 12:30-2:00 p.m. Campers provide their own lunch Highland will be hosting 7th-12 grade girls. Camp dates are June 14th and June 15th from 9:00 am to 11:30 am then break for lunch for 1 hour then resume camp at 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Camper provide their own lunch The cost of the camp is $50.00 and a registration form and waiver must be filled out before the athlete can participate in the camp. If you would like to attend camp contact: Becky Higgins at 208-983-6300 or higgins@sd242.org or ShandrieStigum at 208-507-0212 or shaniepk@gmail.com |