School holds Field Day
Friday, June 2, was a full, active last day of school for the students and teachers at Prairie Elementary School in Cottonwood. The traditional Field Day was extra special this year as the supplies and treats including Free Ice Cream Cone certificates at The Hang-out were sponsored by the Cottonwood VFW, Cottonwood American Legion, Grangeville American Legion and Voiture 906 of the 40 & 8, an Honorary Veterans Service Organization focusing on helping Children and Youth and providing Nurses Training Scholarships. Gem Builders Supply in Cottonwood provided a special surprise with new buckets to haul water and provide a clean-up station after the egg toss and Otter Pops. Prairie Elementary School AmeriCorps volunteer Katrina Bentley coordinated the fund raising and helped with the event along with Grangeville AmeriCorps volunteer Alyssa Madden who volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club. All faculty and staff and many parent and grandparent volunteers made the day a success. A big thank you to all who helped make the Field Day a big success! Teacher Andrea organized the field events which included making name tags, designating groups including students for all grades in each group and determined the rotation schedule to help the event run smoothly. Teacher Becky Higgins was the announcer for the field events. Teachers, parents and grandparents guided the students through the stations. After the field events there was an all school dance with music selected by the 6th graders. The student council choose a delicious lunch made by the team of wonderful cooks including sub sandwiches, fruit salad and chips. Everyone ate together on the playground and enjoyed the sunshine. Article submitted by Katrina Bentley, Prairie Elementary School AmeriCorps Volunteer All photos above are from the Prairie Elementary School Field Day held on Friday June 2. Photos by Katrina Bentley, Americorps volunteer. |