City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council meeting Monday, June 12, was preceded by a public hearing at which a proposed ordinance making changes in the conditional use permits ordinance was read. Further action was postponed to the July meeting as adopting the ordinance was not on the agenda. A representative from the company doing the sidewalk work was in attendance and told the council that concrete pouring was to start Tuesday on the Highway 95 business loop portion of the project. The East St. portion would likely be done next week. Streets Commissioner Jack Duman stated he was really glad to see this project coming together. He had been submitting grant applications for something similar for several years. A block retaining wall along East St. in front of a residence has been completed and a poured concrete retaining wall that was needed has also been completed except for some cleanup. A representative from Walco, Inc. was also in attendance and submitted a request for a rate increase, the first since 2012. It would be less than 5%. Fuel prices staying where they have been has kept them from asking for increases in the past 5 years. He said they are also looking into getting involved with a proposed landfill near New Meadows. It would make a much shorter trip than their current ones to Payette. They are also looking at the new rules and regulations on their own landfill. Doug Ulmer of the Idaho County Sheriff’s Dept. was in attendance and told the Council that summer is coming. Calls are spiking and they’ve seen an uptick in speeding, drugs, no insurance and license offenses lately. In reports Pat Holthaus noted that about 3 million gallons were pumped with about 2.5 million sold. After accountable losses they had about 14% loss in water. All tests came back good. Despite the continued wet weather there were some days that people started watering their lawns. Ron Grant reported they have started sprinkling at the agriforest, mostly due to the fact the lagoons were full from runoff. Jack Duman reported the sidewalk project is going well. Mag Chloride application for gravel street dust abatement is coming up soon. He is also working on the permit for the Cottonwood Creek cleanup. He is also working with CEDA in looking for funding for stormwater work. There was nothing to report from Land and Buildings and the Airport. Grant reported they had no fire calls this past month. Fire Chief Roy Uhlenkott reported they sent 3 men to a 3-day extrication class at Post Falls. From the reports of those attending it was a very good training. Uhlenkott also reported they have obtained a 6x6 military truck to be used with the Rural Dept. they are looking into mounting the tank from the older auxiliary truck and this one would provide a faster response time and be better for off road needs. Grant reported the city is due for a rating inspection and the new regulations require a whole lot more information be provided. The audit for Fiscal Year 2016 was approved. Under new business the company doing the sidewalk project put in a request for bi-weekly payments. There was some discussion amongst the council as to why they need bi-weekly payments. It would require a special meeting of the council to approve payment and they are expected to be done by the end of the month anyway. Duman said he was talk with them. Rehire of Wes Walters as a part-time reserve police officer was approved at the same pay rate as before. A memo of understanding (MOU) with the Idaho County Sheriff’s Dept. was discussed. Police Chief Terry Cochran said they have done mutual aid for years and now the Dept. is looking to charge the city any time a deputy is needed to respond when the city police are unavailable. Their reason is they charge all cities in the county. Cochran said it’s about 2 or 3 calls a month. He also said he doesn’t know where this is coming from. The Sheriff’s Dept. also seems to be holding up an MOU that would allow Jason Rambo to work in the county outside the city. Grant said he doesn’t see where this gets us any more service. According to state law the county has to respond. What does the $40 per hour buy us. City Attorney Joe Wright said he would talk with them. He said the Rambo MOU is a no-brainer as it is a benefit to the County that doesn’t cost them anything extra. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 10 at 7 p.m. |