news for old Elementary School
Christine Frei of CEDA and Steve Gill of the Idaho Division of Environmental
Quality gave a presentation to the school board at the board’s June meeting
Monday, June 19. . . .
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Remacle receives VFW Lifetime Achievement Award
On June 10th, at the 85th Annual Convention of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars in Boise, Department of Idaho, the Idaho state commander, Terry Thomas,
announced that Dick Remacle was chosen by a select committee to receive
the coveted Lifetime Achievement award. Dick is a member of the Richard
Jacobs VFW Post 4902, based in Cottonwood. . . .
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promoted at Pacific Cabinets, Inc.
Steve Frei, current President and CEO, announces Casey Forsmann has
been named General Manager of Pacific Cabinets Inc. . . .
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veterinarian at Ferdinand Vet Clinic
Ferdinand Vet Clinic is excited to announce a new veterinarian joining
the team this month: Elizabeth Bolan, DVM! . . .
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Royalty applicants are sought
The Idaho County Fair Royalty committee is seeking young ladies ages
14 to 18 interested in participating in the 2017-2018 royalty program.
. . .
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Scout Court of Honor held
On June 4 an Eagle Scout Court of Honor was held for Blaze and Tate
Berdoy, sons of Brad and Lesa Berdoy. . . .
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from the Cross Country fundraising 5K run
On this page are some photos from the First 5K XC Pirate run. . . .
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girls unbeaten at Nyssa summer camp
Summer basketball? Nyssa brand! Girls basketball?
Prairie brand! Pressure ball? Prairie "Red and Black Attack"
brand! . . .
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to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's
print edition of the Cottonwood Chronicle. . . .
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Dick Remacle of Cottonwood has been awarded the VFW
Lifetime Achievement Award. See article at left.
The new rubberized surface is being installed on the
track. It started last week then got held up by the cool weather and rain.
They were back at it Saturday morning. The upper photo shows the new surface
while the lower photo shows the equipment used to add the ground up rubber
to the adhesive layer laid down previously. Click on each photo for a larger
Mykaela McWillams was presented a special quilt last
Tuesday, June 13, naming her, as far as we know, the first member of the
Prairie Track & Field Hall of Fame for earning 16 state medals in 16
events over her 4 years of high school. That is as many as you can possibly
get with a 4 event maximum per state meet. The quilt also commemorates
the 4 school records she is a part of, 2 individual and 2 relays.
Top center of course is the 2017 team state championship award. Photo by
Ryan Hasselstrom. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Standing before you are our new Eagle Scouts Blaze
and Tate Berdoy. Their Eagle project was cleaning, landscaping and fencing
the Joseph Plains Cemetery. See article above left. Photo provided by Shari
Chaffee. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Curbing has been laid down on the west side of
East Street with forms being built to lay the new sidewalk to the right.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Since last week the rest of the sidewalk project along
Business Loop 95 has been poured with the piece from Peasley to Hogan poured
Tuesday morning. Shown is the piece alongside the carwash. Click on the
photo for a larger view.
Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at
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