to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 113 - 6/19/2017
Last week's theme "Life is a Battle" keeps returning to me from time
to time, daily refreshed by articles in the news or on TV. Even the
GOLDEN YEARS discussed last week's review reinforces the idea that Life
is indeed a Battle!
But beneath it all, and maybe behind the scene, is it not true that
life is a battle for all of us from the time we can walk and talk right
up to our date with the grave. Even the smallest child will develop a stubborn
look and run the other way when a parent forcefully tells them, "No!
Do not throw your food on the floor!" Or "How many times do I have to tell
you to use the toilet, and not just dump in your drawers?" Or how about
that brief but determined silent pout when a parent insists that some youngster
do it their way and not continue the conduct the child insists on themselves!
And maybe we older folks need to admit that we too often find ourselves
insisting on a course of action that irritates or offends another!
Or maybe it is common sense that we deliberately choose to ignore, or perhaps
a law that we find inconvenient or maybe irritating at the time. This happened
to me recently when I decided to ignore the speed limit coming down the
hill from Whitebird, and allowed my old Toyota, with a slight bit of pressure
on the peddle, to reach an exhilarating speed of 80+ mph! Little
did I know that anon duty state officer was sitting near the bottom of
the hill, and very shortly, as I reduced my speed down to the legal 60
plus to make the left turn on to Johnson road, when whoops! Red lights
behind me all of a sudden, and a 15 minute conversation by a polite but
dutiful officer who reminded me of the law and my excess speed! Results
not revealed here, but regardless, a clear case of my wanting to do it
my way!
Thinking about it even more, is it not behind almost every little conflict
that occurs everyday, from the simplest spat between two people to a threatened
all-out war between two nations? Is it not really just a battle between
a person's desire to do it one way, and then ignore the option of a different
course of action? Does it not really boil down to a battle that we
all fight every day if not every hour of every day? A simple little reality
that we all want it our way, and not some alternative that forces us to
step back, suppress our own will and choose to bow to another?
Maybe all of us and the world in general would be better off if we
followed the famous saying of one time Chicago Bears NFL running back Brian
Piccolo, who is said to have coined the phrase while battling cancer.
"The Lord is first, my friends are second, and I am third." Would
this not diffuse most battles that arise between two people who find themselves
at odds, if one or both the parties would simply step back, suppress their
own feelings and agree to the other? Would it not reduce tensions
if two nations tried hard to understand the others point of view?
Maybe even just give in a bit to keep the peace?
On a local level, if a man and wife would each swallow their own position,
and graciously accept that of the other? Or a teenager would simply
end an argument by agreeing to a parent's wish by accepting their direction
rather than continuing to insist on their own?
And back to the news for one moment! Is it not true that behind
all the conflict on a local or national level is the belief that my way
or our way is better, and therefore others must bend to my way or own point
of view? And the failure to recognize the inherent differences in people
and their way of thinking and the necessity to understand and respect them
is the reason that Life is a Battle, and a battle there will always be
unless things change?
Jake Wren |
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