to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 116 - 7/10/2017
Recently, this review has been dealing with the issue of the struggles
and the battles which can be found at all stages of life, from the smallest
child who impishly wants to run away, and ignore the request being made
by a supervising parent on up to older folks who find themselves at odds
with one another, resulting with hurt feelings at the simplest level, or
more serious, major disruptions in friendships, and families, and groups
with different backgrounds or nationalities or ways of life.
On a more serious level, we are reminded almost daily of the mayhem
caused by hateful individuals who randomly start shooting or stabbing or
smashing with speeding cars whoever happens unluckily to be in their path.
And of course, at the world wide level, one notes throughout history and
today, the movement of entire nations determined to force their way of
life on others, with the result being pain and destruction and the death
of millions.
Thinking about this, one might be reminded of the phrase that can be
found in the books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and certain other parts of
the Bible which essentially assert that some will claim, "Peace, peace,
when there is no peace." More often than not, this follows a period
when the civilization at the time was falling apart, yet a large proportion
of the people involved refused to recognize the source of their problem.
The Bible speaks of "stiff necked people" who refused to follow the common
sense rule of law handed down in codes of conduct like the best known "Ten
Commandments" said to be given to Moses by God Himself. Instead, they chose
to create their own gods of wood and stone and gold and silver, or they
chose to worship the sun or the moon, thus allowing themselves to engage
in all kinds of activities which in the end caused their own destruction,
all the while blind to the eventual fate their conduct was destined to
But a careful examination of the periods involved reveals in every
case a period of time when the civilization involved was on a "do your
own thing" rampage, totally ignoring the rules for living or codes of conduct
which are necessary for that peace to be achieved. And yet they claimed
"Peace, peace.... when their very selfish conduct guaranteed that there
"will be no peace."
It has been suggested here that everyone of us has to deal with the
inevitable clash we all deal with, the conflict which occurs when our way
of seeing and doing things comes into sharp conflict with others, or rules,
or traditions which have formed over time. And for the peace that we would
love to have, it becomes ever more obvious that individual insistence on
"doing it my way," must be subjected to concern for others and a willingness
to take a back seat maybe, allowing others that privilege. And it
becomes very clear very suddenly, that a system of resolving differences
of opinions must be adopted and adhered to by all willing to gain that
elusive "peace." As mentioned in these last reviews, it could be
as simple as agreeing to a coin flip to settle serious disagreements, or
perhaps more intelligently, find
a code of conduct which offers the best chance of providing peace and
keeping it.
It is claimed here that the religion started some 2000 years ago, by
the God man Christ, born of a virgin Mary, the spouse of the Holy Spirit
Himself offers the best chance to create a society where the illusive peace
can be achieved. To quote again, that famous section in the Bible
where Christ was asked which was the greatest commandment, and He responded:
"Love God with your whole heart and soul, and your neighbor as yourself."
Though definitely "Politically not correct" in our day and age, a bit of
common sense coupled with a study of the history of this philosophy of
life, definitely builds a solid case claiming that this is our best hope
for "Peace!"
Jake Wren |
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