Board meets
Gus Hoene was re-elected as school board chairman at the July meeting of the school board Monday, July 17. Pat Alfrey was re-elected as vice-chairman. Bus Fuel bids were opened from CHS Primeland and The Tire Guy. Bus foreman David Shears was asked to review the bids. He reported that one was higher on gasoline but lower on diesel. The Tire Guy had the lower diesel price but in the past when they got their fuel there they had access problems getting a bus to the pumps. After some discussion the board asked Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann if she could talk with both bidders and see if they could accept each bid and try to split the fueling between the two. Meeting dates and times will remain the same as this past year. Hoene, Alfrey and clerk/treasurer Denise Uhlenkott were approved as check signers with at least two signatures required. Hot lunch prices went up 10 cents across the board. This is to bring them in line with state recommendations. Elementary will be $2.05, jr./sr. high $2.55, 50 cents for milk and adult lunches will be $4.50. Bus rental rates and per diem rates will stay the same as last year. It was decided to keep the facility use rates the same but there was some discussion on the community use. Forsmann said she is looking at re-keying the schools because there are so many keys out that they could never recover them. Their use agreement also has an insurance requirement in it that hasn’t been used. It was recommended by state council to keep that in. Also there have been some entities not getting charged the full use fee. Shouldn’t we treat everyone the same? They will discuss this some more at the next meeting. She had a couple of quotes on re-keying to something similar to many hotels that have the credit card type key. She was asked to contact the one with the more sophisticated system to get a firm price. The board approved calling for bids on bus 00-8. Shears said they were only going to get $1600 as a trade-in on the new bus so he decided to keep it. Now he’d like to see if they could sell it, hopefully for enough to pay for most of the software cost that would allow them to read the engine codes on the buses. He feels this could save the district over time. The board also approved going out for bids on surplus property at the old Elementary Building so that they can clean that out in preparation for the abatement process in September. They will have each item numbered and set out on August 15-16-17 at the old school site similar to a surplus sale they did several years ago. Joe Chicane was approved as the new full-time bus driver. He had been a sub last year. Todd Holcomb was approved for hire to the para-professional position previously held by Taylor Schaeffer. Extra-curricular assignments were approved. The board also approved the USAC-Erate settlement. This doesn’t cost the district anything but they were required to sign off on it. This dates back to the broadband agreement where a bidder sued the state saying they did not follow proper bidding procedures. In the facilities update most of the summer work has been completed. Still to be completed are some cabinets at the current art room which will be a fourth grade room for the new school year. Also some cabinets in the high school kitchen. The new heating system in the high school gym is almost ready to go and the overflow building in the old shop space behind the Elementary School is also nearing completion. In her administrative report Forsmann reported the Center for Discovery is doing swim lessons and has had some summer projects. A summer school session is set for July 24-August 4 with Taylor Schaeffer and Kim Ratcliff providing the support. Forsmann is expecting about 8 students to be involved. She also reported they were awarded a $5,000 grant from the Tribe which is to go toward hurdles for the track. New jr./sr. high principal Jon Rehder said he’s been discussing with Jake Forsmann about ways to block vehicle access to the track possibly making use of some of the highway barriers they have. They are also looking at lining some up on the visitor’s side so that vehicles can’t pull up next to the track. Hoene said he’d like to see something done to curtail the kids playing out past the east end zone. He said the chain crew, which he is part of, usually ends up shooing them out when the referees decide they are getting to close to the field. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, August 21 at 7 p.m. |